Kinder-Surprise Chocolate Eggs (ATTN: German Dopers)

I bought some of these while in Germany recently for friends and for my grandson. Every tenth egg is said to contain a figurine, from The Lord of The Rings, and it’s a big deal in Germany to collect them all.

Also included inside this little chocolate egg’s plastic container is a is a slip of paper with the words Internet Überraschung (surprise), and an 8-character alpha-numeric code along with the url Apparently you are invited to go to the website, enter the code and possibly win something. However, I have been unable to get to this website getting instead a Gateway Timeout message.

I was able to get to a website by going through, but other than explaining what I did above, there was nowhere to enter the code.

So can y’all help me figure out how this is supposed to work?



Let me see if I can try that again without the period at the end…


Nope. Still get just a page with a bunch of links.

So könnt Ihr mir bitte helfen? :smiley:


they probably forgot to renew their domain name, and someone registered it and pointed it to that link-page.

Gee, when I went to (not kinder-magic, but magic-kinder as specified in the initial post) I got a very jolly site with a smiling Kinder-Surprise egg.

I first went to the German site to see if I could find a place to enter the code. But then I realized, to my consternation, that I could not read German. And now it seems to have decided that I speak German and will not take me back to the initial page and allow me to choose a more accommodating language. However, it definitely seemed to mention codes enthusiastically throughout, as well as the Internet Überraschung you referred to.

However, the fact that I was seemingly able to access the site that you cannot access is of little use to you. The only suggestion that I can make is that if you’ve been typing “kinder-magic,” you’d be better off with “magic-kinder.”

Maybe they’ve decided to make the site accessible only by dumb Americans who don’t know any German. Very sensible of them.

I can’t tell you why it’s not woking for you. But I can tell you you’re not missing much.

The only thing you can win is a game. There aren’t any prizes. The site is just a bunch of Flash-type games that feature some of the Ferrero characters (like the hippos, etc. not LotR). Each Magic-code will get you 20 min. of play time AND can be used only once. I guess it’s designed to get a kid (big or little) hooked on a game so that they keep buying the eggs to get more time.

Ach Du Lieber! I did transpose the url in the second post up there, crinklebat! Thanks for pointing it out to me, and sorry to have wasted the time and bandwidth, y’all! :frowning:

So to answer my own question: I was finally able to get onto the website and what you do after choosing the language you wish to see, is register and then enter to play a game which lasts 20 minutes and 20 minutes only, then it’s gone.

I guess those practical Germans don’t want kids spending too much time on the net and not enough interacting with family or doing homework! :smiley:

As an aside, while in Germany I was pleased to see grocery-store cashier-queues some of which called attention to the fact that they did not have candy displayed to tempt the kiddies.

Welcome to the boards, crinklebat and thanks for the correction!


Thanks also msgotrocks and welcome.


LOL! The store I usually shop at has a little candy there - and a big open rack of CIGARETTES! :smack: Gotta love it.

I think you have to register to use the code. Here’s how to get to that point:


  1. on the page that says “Join the Internet Surprise Club”(Komm in den Klub der Internet Überraschung), click the arrow.

  2. on the next page, click the “register right away” (registriere dich doch sofort) button.

  3. a pop-up window appears, click “OK” button, then register in that same window. it asks you for a “secret question” (geheimfrage) and the “secret answer”(geheimantwort).
    Habe ich Sie geholfen, Quasi?

oops, a little late!! :slight_smile:

digitalskeeza, macht doch nichts! Vielen Dank!:slight_smile: