Kirk Cameron wants to know if You're a Christian

At least he didn’t vanish in a puff of logic.

(Great one!)

blah blah blah blah blah.

God this is a chatty site. :eek:

Oh no, I used the name of he who has given me everything as a flithy cuss word, something I would not even use hitlers name for… :eek:

Oh no, I forgot to capitalize the “h” in He when I used it in reference to god… :eek:

I didn’t capitalze the G…Must buy the DVD set to atone for my sins!!!

In my last church, the Home Group leader got some of Kirk’s tapes and wanted us to do a weekly study of them.
They may probably do it in the future.

We were supposed to find a non christian we knew and ask them questions over a period of time, hopefully leading up to their conversion.

Kirk came across …weird…in the videos, sortof Moonie-like if you know what I mean.
I can’t even imagine him burping.

Ohhh. So that was God. I just thought it was college and I was experimenting.

What kind of church does he belong to anyway?

Oh, tell Kirk I am.

Wow, this loser is still around? Last I heard about him, he had disowned thy father and thy mother.

[sigh]…I wish you people would read the manuals. We don’t put them out for our health, you know. The Agnostic Manual is over there in the You Are So Going to Hell section, right next to the leatherbound copy of the Gay Agenda…

The first time I saw that site I wondered just how much ‘pull’, or ‘juice’ or ‘mojo’ does Kirk Cameron have? Is there anybody out there who is going to be swayed into being born again just because Mike Seaver is on board?

It seems to me that Kirk Cameron is of the “Not MY Fault You’re Going to Hell” school of evangelism. Folks like that don’t take the time to get to knoe pwople, befriend them and demonstrate the power of divine love in their loves. Instead, they like to talk at you, give you a quick “JesuslovesyousobelieveorburninHellforever” then, when their target shrugs off their attewmpt at conversion can rest easy knowing that he tried but the Hellbound heathen just wouldn’t listen.

His show on TBN is hilarious. I watched an episode where KJirk tried to refute evolutionary biology–it became clear that this poor dunce has never had a science class in his life.

I can just imagine the forum, where Kirk is allowed to trot out the usual fallacies about the second law of thermodynamics and “irreducible complexity” to a sympathetic and ignorant audience without any rebuttal, unless they have some caricature of a scientist pretend to be nunplused by Kirk’s blathering.

Who keeps track of this kind of thing? Is there a nipple FAQ?

I should write Mr. Cameron a letter, tell him how he used to make many appearances in my early pubescent gay fantasies. :slight_smile:

Eeeh, I’d love to have seen that-details?

spectrum, I would seriously consider doing just that. HAW HAW HAW!!!

To give the devil his due, (he he!), he and his wife DO run a summer camp for terminally ill children. Still doesn’t excuse being a fundy asshat.

Did anyone watch the E! True Hollywood story on “Growing Pains?” You could tell that Alan Thicke, while being diplomatic, was just thinking, “This guy is a complete tool.”

Huh? What? Hate? Compared to…Love?


What I don’t get is why we must convert people.

They’re sinners. Kirk et al. say that God is angry not just with the sin but the sinner himself.

So shouldn’t we too be angry at the sinner? It may be said, Well, that’s not your place. Maybe so, but where is the motivation to convert?

If it’s out of an essential lovableness or worthiness of the individual, then that essence is there despite God’s send-you-to-hell anger. So the question then is why God would send that essence to hell.

Etc. etc. Twisted perspective.

I love the ice breakers on his site, btw. Somehow cheap magic shop tricks can be employed to save souls. Remember this next time you’re on the subway and want to bring the gangleader across from you to Jesus: he loves optical illusions.

I spent way more time than I should have perusing that site, and I came to two conclusions:

  1. Show Me the Money. The whole point, the entire thrust of that site is, Buy My Products. I know his acting career hasn’t been that great recently, but has he actually fallen on hard times?

  2. If you’re a True Christian, and you know it, clap your hands, you’re A-OK. Spend all your energies worrying about the Unsaved and the Think-They’re-Saved-But-Really-Aren’t.

Really, was this the thrust of Jesus’ message? Sell things, and concern yourself with the sins of others? It’s so transparently off-the-mark. Sigh.

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Shirley thanks for the best laugh I’ve had in a while. Brilliant.

I dunno, I kind of liked that site. And by “that site” I mean the picture on the top of the mustachioed man hugging the orangutan. And by “kind of liked” I mean laughed my ass off.