Kirstie Alley, Awesome or Too Much?

She is gorgeous – I thought she looked terrific in that clip. Definately bigger than 145, though. I’m seven inches shorter than she is and I weigh 137 and I look considerably thinner than she she does. I also thought she looked bigger than 220 at her highest – more like 250. Which would put her at 175 now, which I find believable. Whatever – as I said, she looks beautiful.

Her looks aside, though, I’m another who finds her irritating. She has one of those Really Big Personalities, with the Really Big Facial Expressions and Really Big Body Language to match. Tiresome. I can stand her in roles where she is tightly directed to keep her quirks to a minimum. But I hated Veronica’s Closet, where she seemed to have been allowed to play a version of herself. And I really loathed her commercials. I never saw Fat Actress but I’ll bet I’d have found it intolerable.

So, she looks Awesome but she is Too Much.

I think that’s actually a one-piece with a transparent middle. That would explain the seam down her front.

I weigh 140 (I’m a dude) and I’m skinny. No way she’s 145 unless she’s 5 feet tall. And she’s not, on Cheers I remember her being fairly tall.

That said, I think she looks like a normal curvy woman now, which is good. And if she’s 55, then wow, pretty amazing. I bet she won’t stay at whatever weight she is though.

She’s got great legs…and if people don’t want to see women with less-than-perfect bodies in bikinis, stick to particular fashion mags. It’s a body, it’s not going to be perfect but she’s healthier and happier than she was and if anything, give her props for being able to change her lifestyle.

That said, she’s really annoying.

I always had a thing for Kirstie Alley. She seems like a woman of, shall we say, large appetites and a certain enjoyment of living.

And she looked hot, bald.

I think she looks great.

I think she looks great. Funny, I never really thought she was that attractive before, though. As for what she weighs now, or weighed before, everyone has a different build and carries their weight in different places. I think she weighs more than 145, though, even given that statement.

So… I’m the only one considering the possibility that surgeons are owed at least some of the credit for the new body? She wouldn’t be the first celebrity to take credit for a great figure created artificially.

She looks a lot better than most of the women I saw at the beach last summer. Some of those women may have weighed 120lb at a height similar to Alley’s, which, when mixed with a couple vaginal deliveries, leads to the phenomenon Gramps calls “goat-tits”. Not a pretty sight in my book.

I think any woman who appears on a Nationally Syndicated [strike]Church[/strike] show in a bikini is ballsy and gets my respect.
Anyone who says a woman over 120 shouldn’t ever wear a bikini should be forbidden to know the pleasures of fat bottomed lovin’.

when was she bald? If you’re thinking Star Trek, the Motion Picture, that wasn’t her, that was Persis Khambatta

nah, if she’d had surgery, she wouldn’t have those thick “saddle bag” thighs. Not lumpy, just disproportionate to her calves

Homina homina homina!
I’ll be in my bunk.

I could take her or leave her as an actress/personality. I do find her annoying sometimes and the Scientology thing is offputting. That said I think she looks pretty good and give her props for the weight loss and going on TV in a bikini. However, I think she could have found a more flattering bikini, one that covers more on the bottom and less on the top. That top looked like one of those old lady 18 hour full coverage bra. Even if the old girls need more support I think a little top boob could have shown.
I think I have a tendency to lean in Kirstie’s favor because any chance Rosie O’Donnell gets to be nasty about Kirstie’s actual weight, she takes it . I really don’t see why actual weight is important, she said she was going to lose weight, and she obviously did lose weight. Whether Rosie’s right or not Rosie takes her nastiness to extremes and frankly I think she’s just jealous, because no one is allowed to get more attention than Rosie.
Oh, and the line/seam on her belly is pantyhose. It says it in the article linked to in the OP, a couple people here have even pointed it out already. It’s pantyhose.


Whoa. There’s the pot calling the kettle a little undertall…

Control top, maybe?

How odd. She says she bought “stripper hose” to flatter her legs, but does that mean she wore them up to the bottom of her bra? And if they are control top, that’s not exactly the same as appearing in a bikini.

Exactly. There’s no way the line is hose. It goes all the way up to the bottom of the top. Come on - pantyhose?? Doesn’t make sense. This picture makes it look like a piece of material that connects the top and bottom of the bikini.

I read somewhere that she checked with her kids first, to see if mom appearing on TV in a bikini would embarrass them. I think if they had said “don’t do it, mom”, she wouldn’t have.

I like what she’s done. She seems like a woman who is losing weight for the right reasons – not to be gorgeous but to feel good and be healthy. Go Kirstie!

I think she looks hot. She could stand to lose…maybe another 20 lbs., but she’s definitely hot and I’d do her in a minute.

FWIW, last night I heard a little of Tom Leykis blasting her. Not surprising since he seems to think any woman who weighs more than 110 is a “cow.” Of course, that idiotic bastard generally seems to hate women anyway, so I don’t put any stock in his opinions except as another good reason to hate him.

Frankly, what we need more of are famous people with real bodies who deal with them in a healthy fashion.

She has a real body. She’s had real person issues with her real body. She has had real person issues with her ability to lose weight and keep it off. That she is willing to share those issues is healthy for all the other women out there who think that only model thin is beautiful and that heavy people aren’t successful.

(Props to Oprah and Jamie Lee Curtis for having a similar positive impact on body issues.).