Klan gets a taste of Karma.

From here:

Serves the dumbass crackers right.
And while it is an amusing story, I’m quite pissed that they had 2 children at the “ceremony”. Nothing like preaching hatred and violence to children. Make that hatred, violence, and stupidity. Poor kids.

We all know who they’ll be blaming for this.


Well, if they say “inferior race” and you consider inbred assholes to be their own race, then…

Yeah, I read this, and wasn’t sure whether to feel guilty about giggling.


I shot a bullet
Into the air
It came to earth
In a racist’s hair.

If only this stuff happened more often. I think Hitler survived a bombing at close range (saved by a thick table?) and another froze before it could go off. IIRC, there were even more attempts to kill him that went awry. Meanwhile: Lincoln, Kennedy – dead, first attempt. Stalin, dies in bed. Karma is a fickle mistress.

Well obviously this is God’s fault. The guy shot the bullet into the heavens and God’s criminal negligence allowed it to fall back to Earth and kill that man.

Me, I’d sue. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or maybe we should try God in absentia. Issue a restraining order or something like that.

About four or five years ago, the KKK wanted to hold a white supremacy rally in downtown Manhattan (on the steps of City Hall, specifically.) While the city could not legally refuse, they did insist that no Klansmen wear a hood that covers the face. (There is a city ordinance that no one can hold demonstrations can use masks that obscure their faces, for security reasons.) However the Klansmen went to court to challenge this ruling. Their argument?

Get this, they feared that if they publically revealed themselves to be Klansmen they would be DISCRIMINATED AGAINST for their beliefs!!!


In any event, they lost their case, the rally was held but got a small, pathetic turnout.

I wouldn’t feel too guilty. I was rolling around the floor in hysterical fits of laughter (I know, I’m easily amused)

Karmic retribution can be a wonderful thing.

I think anybody that fires a gun into the air indiscriminantly is an idiot. The fact that it’s a Klan member is just gravy.

(It would have been better irony if the bullet had hit the buttfuck that fired it, but I guess that’s too much to ask…)

Is this that “master race” I keep hearing about?

Certainly is. I hear, through the grapevine, that Mister Bates is the current head honcho.

I live about an hour away from Johnson City. My boss told me about this when I went to work this afternoon. I can’t say that I was terribly surprised. There are a lot of those ‘good ol’ boys’ in this area and that seems about like something one of them would do.

It’s things like that, that make me can’t wait to get out of this area. Ugh.

Does schaudenfraude have karmic repercussions?

No. Good clean fun.

No, it this is a clear case of self-defense on God’s part. After all, they shot at him first.

Just for the life experience, check out the KKK website sometime. They have an entire “For Kids” section with child-friendly “literature”. Pretty colors and all.


Thin. The. Herd.

I thought that this was fucking hilarious when I first read about it. Yes, I found joy in the maiming, perhaps death, of a, and I use this term loosely, fellow human being to be extremely amusing. I am overjoyed that this happened and I make no apologies for it.
