Tomorrow morning, I go to take my Praxis testing, which hopefully means I can be admitted into the Teaching Certification program, and I am sooooo nervous. Granted, much of the information is somewhat “common knowledge”, and as I already have a bachelor’s degree it shouldn’t be too complicated, but I’m really stressing over this.
There are three parts to the test–Math, Writing and Reading Comprehension. Thw latter two I know I’ll do well, since my thing is reading and writing (I’ll be an English teacher, duh), but the math? I took college algebra FOUR times, and had to withdrawl from classes because I was failing–and that’s after attending every single class and doing all the homework and asking questions in class when I wasn’t clear (which was about all the time). The final time I took the class, I had the head of the Math division teaching the class and there were only five of us in the class, and I swear the “C” he gave me as a final grade was strictly a mercy grade, because I bombed all of the tests. I’ve gotten to the point in my life where I’ve basically accepted the fact that math and I don’t click, and if I can’t use a calculator, I don’t even attempt anything math related. So, the idea of taking another math test is really freaking me out (especially since there aren’t any calculators allowed!).
The test cost a small fortune to take (okay, it is only $115, but that’s a weeks worth of groceries for my family!), and I can’t afford financially to retake it if I don’t score well. Plus, I must score high enough to be enrolled into the certification program. If I dont’ score well, then I have to hold off until I can retake the test, which means everything (scholarships, etc.) are on hold until then and everything is up in the air.
I’ve taken the pre-tests (all ten questions, whoopee), and done well, but still…I don’t perform well under pressure. Even when I was giving birth to my kids, I just wanted to crawl under the front porch, or go into a darkened closet like a cat and give birth, instead of doing so in front of everyone. (But, weirdly enough, the idea of teaching a class doesn’t freak me out. I’ve even taught two semesters at jr. college and did well.)
And now I’m really stressed.