Apparently breakfast is not more important than any other meal and you can skip breakfast and do just fine weight control and work performance wise.
New research says -
Apparently breakfast is not more important than any other meal and you can skip breakfast and do just fine weight control and work performance wise.
New research says -
Just like my being told that when I was in high school that drinking water during PE or any kind of exertion was bad for me.
Or when my daughter was born that she needed to sleep on her back so she didn’t die.
I now know why old people roll their eyes at all of these pronouncements from people in authority. They know that in a couple years it’ll all change.
It has always seemed to me that the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” thing smacks more of moral judgement than anything else.
It you’re the kind of person who cheerfully jumps out of bed when the rooster crows, and happily scarfs down a full plate of eggs and bacon, then you’re a solid citizen and a true American.
If you’re like me, and can’t stomach anything except sugar, caffeine and a few stimulants of dubious legality before lunch, then you’re clearly a worthless slob and possibly a communist. Or French, which is just as bad.
I got in the habit of waking up with my SO and then going back for a nap when I lived with an abusive exfiance. It didn’t matter to him that I worked nights, if I wasn’t up in the morning and making him breakfast, ironing his shirt and doing the good little housewife thing, I was a lazy slut … and I got in the habit of getting my sleep in cat naps because he would show up back at the house at random times more or less spying on me. [Jealousy is a bitch when it is paired with a nasty temper and fists.] To this day, when Rob gets up to get ready to go to work I am up as well, though he gets his own breakfast and stuff for work. I mainly just keep him company, I haven’t really been able to break the guilt trip habit and be able to sleep through Rob getting ready for work - he doesn’t care if I am up or not, he knows I have insomnia and a sleep disorder and don’t generally sleep much at night [and I cat nap through the day in 2 or 3 hour chunks. I would freaking KILL for 8 hours uninterrupted sleep. Last time I got that, it was major surgery.:smack::(]
HA! So it IS a tautology/word game! I was right all along!
I refer, of course, to my much-maligned position that one who never eats breakfast never breaks his fast, and is doomed to death by starvation.
I heard similar stuff in articles about intermittent fasting diets. Apparently breakfast could make a difference for children but isn’t very important for older people.
Whenever I want to drop weight (as I am doing now after traveling), my main change is to skip breakfast. Not that it’s a big amount or anything, but it makes me less hungry later in the day.
Mrs. FtG subscribes to the “most important meal” crap. Unless you do major physical work, you don’t need it.
I always suspected (and have no evidence) that saying started as some marketing plug from a breakfast food company commercial. That’s where I remember hearing it first.
All that being said, I try to eat a breakfast, because I can’t concentrate or do much of anything very well when I’m hungry. Once the tummy is happy, so is the brain.
I’ll play along with the hijack…
Instead of killing, why not just rent a hotel room?
I know getting one’s historical information from novels isn’t really the best, but whenever I read about farmers’ (lots of early morning manual labor) breakfast, it seems to happen AFTER the morning chores. Up at 5am, out to milk and muck and feed and back in around 8 for a hearty breakfast before beginning the day’s real work.
Anyone know if this is accurate? If so, it would seem to indicate that even with hard morning physical labor, people don’t need to break their fast first.
Personally, I feel vindicated. My body doesn’t like food too early. Or rather, it likes food too much if I eat early. If I eat before noon-1:00, I am both ravenous and slightly nauseated all day long, and I gain weight like the dickens. Cutting out breakfast, I dropped 50 pounds (And have kept 30 of it off for 5 years.)
We made up the thing about eight glasses of water, too.
Interesting. For me, it’s the opposite. I need to make sure I have a light breakfast ( maybe up to 300 calories. I’ve never been a fan of big breakfasts), or else I’ll end up ravenously hungry by lunch time and overeat then. But I’ve never subscribed to this “breakfast is the most important meal” notion. A little bit in the morning, though, does help me concentrate and keep me from getting too hungry. Unsurprisingly, it seems everyone is different.
breakfast is the most important meal, until the next one.
I get the point you are making, but the experts were not wrong regarding the sleeping-on-back advice: link
If I eat breakfast, I am MORE hungry by lunchtime. I prefer to eat lunch, dinner, and 2nd dinner (or supper you might call it).
Not for me. I swim two kilometers (in 50 minutes) every morning before work, and the only thing I have beforehand is black coffee with no sugar. But my “fast” isn’t really that long, because I have dinner often around 11pm, and swim at 5:30am. Since I’ve lost some weight ever since starting this routine, it also shows that it’s not necessarily so bad to eat before going to bed–another maxim we often hear.
That is funny because it is true. I am not a morning person to say the least and don’t like to eat much before noon. I always knew the breakfast thing was complete bullshit even as a child but I spent many years getting force-fed in the morning for no reason whatsoever except for dubious moral reasons until I could get away from it in college once and for all.
You do make an important association between early risers and the breakfast myth though. Waking up early = good and pure in many people’s minds whereas staying up late and maintaining a later schedule = the devil’s work. Even some otherwise rational people believe it and enforce for no reason that they can articulate. My natural sleep schedule is about 3 am to 11 am and it has always been that way. However, I spent years being tortured by my mother (a science teacher) who would wake me up before 8 am even on weekends and holidays because she believed that it was unhealthy to sleep past that time no matter what. I have had several bosses over the years that also believe that people that arrive at work before 7 am are morally superior to those that arrive later and leave early even though the later arrivals provide necessary coverage in the afternoon and often work more hours in total.
I can tell you another myth that even some doctor’s maintain. It is that you should maintain the exact same sleep-wake schedule no matter what even on weekends. I have no no idea if they think that applies to everyone but I know for a fact that it is not true for me. I need at least one really long sleep (10+ hours) about once a week to pay off any sleep debt that I have. If I don’t, I WILL get physically ill in the form of colds and fever even during the summer. The amazing thing is that people think that is some kind of moral failing and have tried to block me from sleeping more than they think is proper even though they don’t even need me to do anything in particular. They just think that the proper thing any moral citizen should be doing on a Saturday morning is stuffing their face with 1500 calories worth of French toast and assorted, processed meats. I beg to differ and I have put furniture in front of my bedroom door to keep the breakfast hounds at bay.
First they downgrade Pluto, then breakfast. What’s next? Protein bars get downgraded to candy bars?!!
I saw that several times as a kid, after school, watching reruns of The Big Valley. So it must be true!