Know of a listserv or board for special education professionals?

There used to be a great listserv called Spedtalk where special education professionals could ask sped questions. But it went to a flaming death when it deteriorated into parents bashing special education.

Does anyone know of a sped listserv or BBS where the following type of question would be relevantly answered?

“IDEA CFR 300.344 provides a description of the administrative designee for IEP meetings. Have any states or LEA’s developed addtional criteria for administrative designees?”



The English (and partly Welsh) government education website has a big section on SEN here. But it ain’t going to decipher the jargon of the quotation you offer :wally

Whistlepig, you might try contacting your state’s Department of Education and asking the Special Ed/Exceptional Students section that question, or whether they know of a national organization you can contact. I work for CO’s Dept of Ed (ESSU) and I understand your question, but can’t answer it.