Kucinich planning to file articles of impeachment on Cheney

Story here.

Of course it’s only a gesture that likely will never make it to a floor vote – but isn’t it encouraging that somebody is doing even that much? :slight_smile:

Go, Dennis, GO!!! :smiley:

How can he make a gesture if he has no strings?

Thats exactly what this country needs, more empty gestures.

I want to see this measure stamped on hard by Congress. What the Democrats need to do is uphold their promise to fix what they think is wrong, not thrash around for 2 more years in masturbatory hearings and witch hunts.

Besides, if you impeach Cheney, who’s going to make George’s mouth move?

Do them Dems really want him replaced with a young, electable candidate come next election?

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If Bush were to be impeached first, Cheney would make Darth Vader look like Tinkerbell.

I think it’s just a desperate ploy to draw attention to his candidacy. Hopefully it will be quashed quickly, it’s a stupid move.

He’s just a very optimistic guy. I remember that during the debates, when it was pointed out that the medical lobby was unassailable to change prices, he pleaded, “can’t you just try?

Yes, it is encouraging. If all the Democrats go with it (highly unlikely), that’ll be political seppuku. If they don’t, the extremists will be the only ones using the knife on themselves, and some moderates may be less likely to vote for Dems anyway. Win/win.

Do you really think being Bush’s VP is an advantage for a candidate?

Whoever it was would, under the 25th Amendment, have to be confirmed by both houses of Congress. This Congress. :wink:

There goes any chance of actually getting something accomplished before 2009. The Dems don’t have a 2/3 majority. Cheney isn’t going anywhere.

Personally, I hope they do spend the next year and a half in rancorous debate over this. It’ll make the Democrats look like vindictive obstructionists, and help the Pubbies in '08. The Democratic leadership knows this, which is why Nancy Pelosi and others have said that they aren’t going to try to impeach anyone.

Moving thread from IMHO to MPSIMS.

Since we’ve changed venue, I feel free to mention that it occurs to me that if one could put Cheney and Kucinich in a bottle and shake them up, one would have an excellent President; a strong tough figure with compassion, or a kind and generous figure with balls. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, like that’s hard to do since Lucas foisted the prequels upon us!

I stand corrected.

No, which is why no viable candidate is alligning themselves with him now. But, incumbency does have it’s rewards… exposure, prestige, an opportunity to showcase, etc. Look at it this way… the current VP is toast, a non-issue in the next election. Why change that dynamic?

Anything happens to Cheney and Bush will appoint Condoleezza as VP (and she’ll almost certainly be confirmed) for no other reason then at least the history books will have something nice to say about him.

[shrug] I could live with that just fine. No way is she gonna run in '08 anyway.

After taking a close look at the current field of republican candidates, I wouldn’t put any money of the assumption that Condi won’t be putting her chapeau in the ring.