…and I told them I won’t because they give Bush everything he asks for.
They guy kinda reacted as if I were an idiot. Maybe I am but, today, there’s a front page, above-the-fold article in the New York Times, headlined as follows:
Also Backs Immunity for Phone Carriers**
I would formally leave the party if there were somewhere else where I would feel comfortable, but there isn’t.
Am I misguided?
Are the Democratic Senators and Reps stupid, gutless, being blackmailed or bought off?
And a good number of Democrats. BarnOwl, you could follow it up by donating directly to one of the Democrats who opposed Bush, like Pat Leahy or Christopher Dodd.
I’m with you BarnOwl. I think they are gutless and I bet they feel that they don’t really have a choice in the matter. The President says that he needs these programs or we risk another 9/11. Are you going to be the one who stands up, votes no, and says “too bad we’ll take our chances?”
I’m hoping that once Bush is out of office, and assuming a democratic candidate gets into office, they can undo all of this stuff and restore our liberties again.
I believe there were only 29 votes against. You need 40 to beat a cloture vote. Obama voted against cloture, but didn’t vote against the bill, since he was back on the campaign trail.