LA Dopers HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We knew our landlord didn’t want to renew our lease the end of this month, but we didn’t know what extremes he would go to not to return our deposit.

Rico was served with a 3-day evict notice at 4:55 pm tonight based on the dead grass outside. Now, that’s not a legitimate reason to evict someone, but since he did it on Friday afternoon, the office to appeal the eviction is closed until Monday so we are packing.

We need your help!

We plan to pack everything tonight and Saturday and then put everything into storage on Sunday.

Rico can’t even take off work on Monday since he works for the beastmaster.

Any and all help packing/move-the-stuff-to-storage help is VERY MUCH NEEDED AND APPRECIATED!!!

My email is in my profile. I’d put the phone number but Rico thinks that’s against the rules. If that is ok, mods, please let us know.

If you can’t provide physical assistance, we sure can use your prayers and good thoughts. :slight_smile:

Kathy & Ric

cadolphin: :eek:

Isn’t a three-day notice “three business days”? Definitely appeal.

I’m tied up this weekend, but I do send my well-wishes. Good luck!


No, three days is three days, unless the third day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then it’s the following Monday. That’s why the notice was so well timed - the third day IS Monday.

Thanks for the good wishes, my friend - keep us hard workers in your thoughts.

I am pretty sure that the three days does not include the day of service. Therefore, you have till :::counting::: oh. Monday. Never mind.

Anyway, if you feel you have a case against, you can stay and fight it. It’s not like the cops are gonna show up on Monday and throw you out. You have to go to court to have the cops lock you out. (voice of experience)

3-day notice FAQ

California Tenants: A Guide to Residential Tenants’ and Landlords’ Rights and Responsibilities PDF file.

This may give ya some time. Unfortunately I’m not available this weekend on short notice. Good luck you two.