So I’m looking around my bedroom and I’m wondering what ladies (probably) typically think when they see my bedroom for the first time.
Do they think I’m immature? I need to grow up? Or am I typical for a 37yo single male? So heres the tour and please feel free to be as brutally honest as you would like. No need to worry about hurt feelings.
And single guys please feel free to chime in if you’re on par or NOT on par with me.
So here’s the tour:
Wall 1: 1 beer girl poster (the only girlie poster in my room) and a dream catcher above my bed.
wall 2: A (nice) metal tin of Route 66/motorcycle poster and a black light poster of a panther.
Wall 3: A calendar (well OK maybe I’ve got two girlie pics up. But at least this one functional)
Wall 4: TV, computer, entertainment center.
Nick knacks around the room: A black light, a lava lamp, A Francisco Cordero bobble head doll (baseball dude), A couple of candles and thats about it worth mentioning.
If I were dating a 37 year old man (I’m 33), I wouldn’t hope to find what you’ve described in his room. I would like to see framed art and a more mature design theme. I wouldn’t mind erotic art, but not girlie posters. I could get with the lava lamp and black light panther only if you had a quirky-cool cohesive retro theme throughout the room, and a personality to match. I worry your bedroom gives an impression of immaturity.
Having the office and chair in there would really be only acceptable if you share your home/have roommates. You’ve described something that would remind me of a dorm room.
A very plain room with no wall decoration and minimal knick knacks is what I have usually seen in the adult men’s bedrooms I’ve been privy to. That’s OK and expected, some men don’t do design.
No, your decor is not typical of a 37 year old male.
If I were to enter your bedroom, any feelings of attraction I had toward you would instantly evaporate, and be replaced by an uncontrollable urge to laugh my ass off.
SHAKES - I’ll make it easy for you - we are the same in age/gender - Posters tacked to wall = Bad. Frames around pictures = good. Black light = Bad. Velvet posters = ok sometimes if tasteful.
I’m assuming this bedroom is still in your parents’ house? (Only sort of being snarky… otherwise I would have expected a tour of the rest of your place too.)
Yes, unless you’re in college or really, really good at irony, I’m afraid what you’ve described is fairly immature. When I turned 26 or so, I announced to my husband that no art was to go on the walls unframed. That doesn’t mean no posters - I actually have a Moulin Rouge! poster in my living room you can have when I’m dead, but it’s in a grown up frame with glass (okay, probably plastic of some sort) and everything. Calendars should be reserved for offices or the inside of a cabinet somewhere. Black light, lava lamp and poster of a panther? No. Just…no.
I sorry, I just read “blacklight poster of a panther” and had an uncontrollable laughing fit.
Yeahhh, so when my brother-in-law met my sis for the first time he still had a gigantic framed poster of a golden retriever puppy with a rose in its mouth in his apartment (he lived with 2 other mit dorks in an apartment).
I still don’t understand how she managed to look past it. Okay, I do, he was a good catch and makes her deliriously happy etc… But we still mock him about it relentlessly.
To be totally honest that screams 20 year old not going to college and still lives with parents in the 70s and probably smokes weed … the only thing you didnt describe is the multicolor brown deep pile shag carpeting and the camero in the driveway with fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror.
If you really want to update, I agree with Kalypso in framed art. If you feel the need for prurient art, there is a lot of great classic art that is skin bareing. How about Goya’s Maja desnuda or for a whimsical one Picasso’s Nude on a Black Armchair or even a woodblock print by Katsushika Hokusai [google his name and octopus. Premodern hentai…] On the plus side, if you go with the japanese woodblock print you can always ask them up to see your etchings=)
I would suggest a nice office armoire to hide the computer gear when you have a woman over, and perhaps even hide the entertainment center. I agree that it screams dorm room/living at home and have to keep everything in your room.
Ha! This makes me laugh! No, the rest of my house is very grown up that’s why I didn’t ask for opinions on it. This is funny because when I moved in I basically handed my Mom my credit card and told her to make the place look nice. (except my bedroom)
FWIW, my Mom is a very hip, modern woman with an eye for this sort of thing. Or so I’ve been told. She lives for that kind of stuff.
You lost me at beer girl poster. But you could get away with Manet’s painting of a beer girl.
I wouldn’t assume you were immature, just someone who hasn’t updated his bedroom decor in over a decade. The only thing I do in my bedroom is sleep, so I don’t spend much time thinking about how it looks.
I think a classy retro advertisement poster would be fine – something like this – but just a girl in a bikini no so much. Maps and city-scape photo prints are also good decor options for a guy’s room.
I wouldn’t think you were immature, but perhaps that you had, em, simple tastes.
An inviting bedroom where a woman can imagine spending time is important. Plump pillows, soft comforter—makes me want to dive in! Dingy, old, worn bedding is a real turn-off for me. The girlie posters/calander would not make me take you seriously. The lava lamp and black light poster could be passed off as whimsy. When I moved in, I had my husband move the computer and tv out of the bedroom; who needs an entertainment center in their bedroom when you have a perfectly nice person right there?