Ladies & gentlemen, your future vice president! (Palin interview by Katie Couric)

I don’t want her to win sympathy or any other kind of votes, but I really am beginning to feel sorry for her. She gave birth just a few months ago, THEN learned she was going to be a grandmother, THEN learned her son was going to Iraq, THEN got tossed into the middle of a huge arena that was bigger than she imagined, THEN is made to look like a nincompoop on every interview (and again, I don’t think she’s stupid, just a disastrously really really really bad choice) and all while prepping to take on a man who’s been a senator since she was in grade-school in a debate all while having family scandals and professional ethics violations made household knowledge- she’s got to be just about ready to implode and walk back to Alaska.

I feel sorry for her. But I still want Obama to whip her like the rented mule that killed his pa.

Have you ever actually heard Joe Biden being interviewed on foreign and domestic policy?

Compare and contrast.

He is going to Wipe. The. Floor. with Caribou Barbie.

I don’t understand the sentiment. Some of you guys (and gals) keep saying she’s “smart” but I just don’t see where you’re getting it from. If, for instance, I am offered a position that I know I’m completely and utterly unqualified for, I should think that instead of making an ass out of myself I’d be smart enough not to say this: Palin said she never “blinked” when asked to join the ticket.

Like Detective nonpareil Harry Harry Callaghan used to say “A man’s gotta know his limitations.

Well guess what, so does Caribou Barbie – is she was smart that is.

“Dirty Harry”, Red. Good wine?

In raw IQ as measured on a test she might pass those two up, but I have never heard either W. or Quayle sound so vapid and clueless in the public arena. GWB and Quayle are not the brightest bulbs in the marquee by any means, but at least something rubbed off on them just by growing up in political families, and in W.'s case, being a two-term governor of a large and populous state. Even W. at his worst doesn’t come close to being as bad as this Palin disaster.

I know I’m going to regret this, but cite?

mack, but you’re not a politician, who is running for the second highest office in our nation. If she doesn’t have the experience to deal with interviews and such situations, well, that frightens me.

And last time I checked, Putin is no longer President of Russia. He’s Prime Minister, but the President is Dmitry Medvedev. Yeesh, for all her going on about how close she is to Russia, she can’t even get the nation’s leaders right! :smack:

Nope. Good memories, great times.

Unlike now.

Well, everybody knows its really Putin, so no biggy. GW could look into the soul of a KGB officer, and not run screaming from the room. Sarah can look and if she doesn’t like what she sees, she can have him smote. You know that’s gonna give him pause.

Oh, no, you’re going to love this!

You will, but you did ask.

Sarah Palin -New Church Video with Witchhunter Blessing :eek:

Jesus. Merciful. Fuck.

It’s going to be like Chuck Norris jumping off of Kitt in Super Pursuit Mode and sidekicking Mother fucking Teresa at 200 miles per hour.

Yours is more thorough, but mine is funnier. :smiley:

A bit weak?

It was embarrassingly weak.

It’s a thousand times weaker than barfing in the PM’s lap, or getting savaged by an amphibious lagomorph, or bumping one’s head on the airplane door. Being clumsy or unable to keep down a banquet’s worth of exotic food isn’t the equivalent of stupidity or incompetence.

Not possible. I checked a couple days ago, and the batshit crazy ratio was at .99, whereas the theoretical limit is 1.0. Therefore, any increase in batshit crazy is impossible. It follows, then, that this shit did not happen. So don’t show me any more of these lying-ass videotapes!

Interesting thing: anagrams of her name include Nasal Harpi and Las Piranha.

The newest work in Batshit Physics suggests that ratios higher than 1.0 are possible by saturating dimensions past the fourth.

I’m supposed to be going to sleep. You guys are killing me here!

Yep, right you are. I was rockin’ while getting exorcised. Or is that circumcised?

Whatever you call getting the witches beat out of ya!

See?, the LHC is paying off already, and it hasn’t even assploded the universe yet!

Joe Biden makes mistakes by slipping up on a single word in a sentence. More likely than not, he substituted television for radio. Even though Roosevelt wasn’t the President during the crash of 1929, he still may have done what Biden described once he became President.

Biden has a reputation for putting his foot in his mouth and for having slips of the tongue. He doesn’t have a reputation for being stupid or ignorant.

I really can’t second guess Palin, but I don’t think she’s learned yet how not to answer a question. Instead, she gives fairly straight answers, but they are born of ignorance. But, as I said, I can’t second guess her.

I can’t help but wonder how No Child Left Behind has faired in Alaska when I read sentences such as this: "“Our next door neighbors are foreign countries — they’re in the state that I am the executive of.” … That is not a good thing. Russia and Canada are most definitely not** in the state where she is the chief executive. I hate to second guess her, but that sounds a bit delerious.

Four times during my lifetime, a Vice President has taken over for the President. I really don’t like the odds of that happening with Senator McCain and Sarah.

BTW, she wasn’t that good a mayor. She left that small town of five or six thousand people over twenty million dollars in debt.