Recently Mrs. Z and I were talking and the subject of circumcision came up.
Any way Mrs. Z stated that she didn’t know where the foreskin would be so I tried to explain to her. (as my foreskin has been removed) We were in public so I could not use a visual aid. Then Mrs. Z said what I believe to me a most extraordinary thing. She said she never really looked at my penis. Woman! You’ve had this thing in your mouth! You’ve never looked at it?!?!
Upon reflection I realized that I have looked at her and the other women with whom I’ve had sex. I study their bodies. I marvel at them. I’m fascinated by them.
So tell me. Do you check out your partners ‘equipment’?
If you don’t look, why not?
Who knows, maybe I’m the weird one. Maybe guys look and girls don’t, but I really want to know.
Thank you for your replies.
I will be so disappointed if at least the views on this thread go through the roof.
I’ve looked at my husband’s goodies - sometimes with lust, sometimes out of idle curiosity, sometimes because I see him coming out of the shower of getting dressed. I was kind of shy about it at first, but after 19+ years, I’ve gotten over that.
Some years back, I used to use icuii (a vid-chat program), and I got to see more than enough equipment to satisfy any residual curiosity - lots of variety out there. It’s not something I go out of my way to look at, but I’m beyond getting embarrassed by nudity.
And, nothing personal, but I think I’ll pass on looking at yours.
I am very familiar with the wedding tackle. Having never experienced a natural (uncircumcised) penis before, he received (and still does, thank you very muchly) lots and lots of personal attention.
I can tell you where every little freckle and wrinkle is
I have looked at all my partners’ naughty bits; however, since I wear glasses, once they come off I have to be fairly close to what I’m looking at in order to make out much detail… plus, the lights have to be on…
There was a thread a while back in which a great many women (more than a quarter) admitted that their SO’s naughty bits were just about the silliest-looking things they had ever seen…