Lake Wobegon: the companion poll for the adults

So, are you smarter than average? Better looking than average? More athletically or socially gifted than average?

This was generated from the other thread here asking if your children were attractive and intelligent.

I guess we’ll keep this anonymous to get better results, but feel free to tell others how you really see yourself if you would like.

Note: these are grouped - try to just pick one from each. I know it’s difficult: breath.

Breathe, dammit.


Apparently some respondents don’t know what sex they are. :wink:

Your options are really inconsistent and even within the so-called “groupings” (what are the groups supposed to be?) there’s no reason you couldn’t have multiple answers, or no answer.

Damn it, damn it!

Janet, dammit.

I am smarter than the average bear. In fact everyone I know is above average. The average person comprises only the bottom 5% of the population.

The below average people are in the 20% below that.

1-3: Looks.
4-6: Brains.
7-9: Co-ordination.
10-12: Par-tay!
13 & 14: Gender.

Eh. I think there should be an option between a face that’ll launch ships and getting lost in the crowd.

I don’t think I’m inherently above average in intelligence, but I do think I am especially curious about things. I like to learn things more than most people. I’m also particularly good at some things (language) and particularly terrible at others (math). I spent a month and a half studying math, math, and more math before I took the GRE and I still scored 120 points higher on the verbal section (which I barely studied at all) than I did on the math.

I’m average in looks and athleticism. Nothing special.

I’m about average looking - I’d say on the high side of average, but I could be biased. I’m above average in intelligence. Definitely below average in sports, and I hate partying. Oh, and I’m female.

I’m a real mixed bag of goodies. Sometimes you get candy corn, sometimes you get Godiva chocolate. It really depends.

Way above average in intelligence. In looks, it’s hard to tell. I’m an overweight middle-aged man with wrinkles and graying hair; draw your own conclusions. In my prime I was probably still below average. Zero athletic talent. And though I’m no Sheldon Cooper, socializing is rather awkward for me. Among friends I know and love, I’m the life of the party. Among people I don’t know (or barely know), I’m a wallflower.

I think I’m smarter than average, but average ain’t much to write home about.

God had a sense of humor the day he made me.

I am smarter than average at some things and way below average at others. I am good with machines and memorizing facts. I am terrible at math and can’t read peoples emotions worth a damn.
Looks wise, well my mom always said I was handsome.

“I am struggling to figure out what you’re on about” - Sounds like the option was there all along.