Lamest Video Game Death

Okay, so less than five minutes ago I’m playing Rogue Squadron on my brand new Gamecube (an awesome system) and I’m on the Strike at the Core mission (based on the part of Return of the Jedi where the Falcon blows up the Death Star) and I get killed by tie fighters. Okay, not the first time that’s happenened, no big deal. However whenever you die in Rogue Leader they show a cinematic of your ship reappearing in the battlezone. You have no control during the cinematic, you just get a nice panning shot of your ship while the camera swings aft and you regain control.

Here’s the lame part: while the cinematic is going on I watch as my ship gets pelted with laser fire and a tie figher crashes into it, thus killing me and ending my game (my last life). I never got to have control of my ship. Now you tell me how lame that is.

Purpose of Thread: So what’s your lamest video game death? I often find them kind of amusing to hear and the stories also might tell you what not to do if you play the same video game (for Rogue Leader what not to do, apparently, is die). So have at it; rant away (remembering this isn’t the Pit).

I killed myself by kicking a statue in Nethack.

I also killed myself by kicking a stairway in ADOM and having the level collapse on me.

I should learn to stop kicking things in Rogue-like games.

I always liked killing myself by opening a door in Build engine games (Duke Nukem, Blood) If you opened a door that swung, and you were between the door and a wall, you’d get crushed to death.

In Mechwarrior 2 there was one level that I was stuck on for ages. The first time I succesfully completed all the objectives (with serious damage to my mech,) I was heading to the drop-zone for extraction, applied the jump-jets for a bit of speed, and spontaneously exploded. Argh.

Alien terror site. I scramble my X-Com troops. They land in the hot zone. My troops are deplaning when an alien rocket hits the top part of my ramp. Eight of my guys are toast. I watch to see what happens. The rest just panic and get picked off one by one.

Heh… just a couple days ago, I got back into playing Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 again (after about five months leave of absence). Apparently, in that time, the game had picked up a slight glitch, and I found that my units were dying at random. I tried to do one of the earl-Allied missions, where you had to keep Tanya alive, and right when I finished killing the entire Soviet base, she just died. Completely randomly. And no, I’m sure that some leftover unit didn’t kill her… I had been getting similar random-deaths to my units earlier in the mission, too.

I reinstalled the game and never had the problem again.

I have my own X-COM stupid death story - I had just got the smart bombs that you could program a path for with waypoints, and knew where the aliens were waiting, so before we even get off the plane I send one down the ramp and around to where the aliens were hiding - well, that was the plan. Actually it went off in the plane, killing a good portion of my team and causing the others to panic - most of them drop their weapons and run out of the plane, where they are quickly massacred.

Oh holy hell, I just remembered one of the funniest video game things I have ever seen. I had reinstalled Half-Life and started it up. For some reason it had a bug where, in the first level, looking at the scientists and guards killed them. Notice, at this point in the game, you have no weapons. Just looking at them made them crumple to the ground screaming. Even weirder, was that the game didn’t recognize that they were dead, so you could still talk to them. It was very funny having a scientist all curled up on the floor say “Don’t bother me Gordon, I’m busy right now.” It was impossible, of course, to play very far in this manner since a guard has to open a door for you pretty shortly in. I uninstalled and reinstalled, and the problem went away. I wish I knew how to recreate it though, it was priceless.

Genseric, I vaguely remember that that was a problem with some video cards, I’m not sure though.

I can’t remember which video card it was on. I think that was back when I was using the original TNT. In any case it was a solitary occurrence, and amazingly funny to boot.

Quake lag has always been a source of lame deaths as well. I remember a list of signs you’re lagged in Quake. On of the funniest was

Actually, the lamest video game death I have ever had happens quite often. When playing counterstrike, if someone shoots you in the foot with the AWP you die immediately. (though I think they fixed this in the latest patch)

DII, Act 2, Lag Death in Duriel’s cave. By the time the level loaded, I was toast. Many times. In Diablo I I met a firey end a few times by kicking the wrong barrel, but at least it had a save game function.

Lamest death: in tribute to all those who died with the Damnable bottomless pits. you could never walk AROUND the fricking thing, you have to jump over it. I HATE that!

In Fallout (spoiler!!)

I had battled my way to the Master, and just finished talking him out of his nefarious scheme. He urged me to get out while I could.

Then one of my moronic companions chose to block the bloody doorway. The Vault Dweller, hero of humanity, savior of the Wastes, was vaporized because his friend was too stupid to leave the building about to be destroyed by a nuclear blast (and I couldn’t bring myself to shoot the guy.)

I’d have to say the lamest happened a couple of years ago. Once I got Diablo 1 away from Jenna, I was playing a multi-game deal on the net with somebody who went to Pepin for healing. Instead, the doctor killed him right now.

What’s worse is when you can’t see where you’re supposed to land, so you have to make a blind leap of faith, and if you miss… :frowning:

Too many bad platform games for the NES had this problem.

Then there’s the infamous hamster of The SIMS and it’s bloody disease it gives you. Many a good families were wiped out by it. Poor poor cyber me.

My lamest deaths have happened in Deus Ex. If there’s a button for an elevating platform, it’s a lead pipe cinch that I’ll press it and end up with the elevator crushing me the first time I encounter it. I’ve also offed myself by shooting off a LAW while backed up against a wall, (I used to do the same thing with the Rocket Launcher in Doom.) Finally, in Deus Ex, I have a nasty habit of killing MIB’s who are too close to me. As they go, so go I.

Amen on the elevator deaths, along with the LAW. And the MiBs. I think some of the worst things, though, were all the crack-shot pistol-wielding terrorists you have to contend with in the early level. That and overestimating your augs the first ten times you tried to use them.

And man is the machine cheap. I had gotten to the last fight in the game, and I had the machine down to one little sliver of health. I got a hit in and took him down to nothing… and he didn’t die! All red in the health bar - no health left, and he didn’t die. So I was like, “fiiiinnnne, make me smack your ass down…” So I threw him… he COUNTER-THREW me (something I’ve never seen a human being pull off in that game) and took me down from about 1/4 health to almost nothing in one hit! And then he stabs me while I’m down on the ground, killing me!

God damn the AI is cheap-ass in that game!

But I’m gonna get him back. I did some edge-master mode and I have a really kick-ass sword now. It does buku damage even when they block. Let’s see him get out of this!