Landlord died, and now I'm screwed.

I have looked into the legal situation here in California, and the landlord’s heirs are totally acting legally. But I’m angry all the same. I probably wouldn’t even be all that bothered except that it’s so close to the end of my time in this town and this is a new stressor I don’t need.

I will probably end up with my stuff in someone’s garage, and my ass on someone else’s couch, which isn’t ideal, but I can use the money I save to buy them nice things.

I’ve never been all that excited about owning my own residence, but I admit it would be nice to be in a situation where this couldn’t happen. Of course then, the odds seem good that I would get eminent domained.

The thought had occurred to me. I probably won’t go through with it because I have too much other crap to do. However, I do get some satisfaction out of the fact that I could potentially make their lives a bit more of a bother. The record of eviction though does give me pause. Thanks for bringing that up, Tabithina.

Sorry to not get on the anger bandwagon (the angwagon?), but this seems to fall in the category of, “Shit happens. It’s called ‘life.’”

Sure. You are in a bad situation right now, but it will be over in a few weeks. Just hang in there and know that you won’t be camping out at friends forever. Just so you avoid going the eviction route. It’s not a winning strategy. This is happening at an inconvenient time for you, but it sounds like you are already getting a plan together. Save some money to buy something nice for your new place, too. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for hearing me out. And now, for reasons I won’t get into, I’m off to Canada . . . for the weekend.

40 days is not such a big deal - well, it was for Noah, but other than that…

Here in Las Vegas, there are lots of places that rent by the week/month and are quite nice. There must be similar long-term motel units in your area.
OK, so it won’t be plush accommodations for a little over a month - so what?
Trust me, I have lived in many a dump for longer than that over the years - once spent over a year in a crappy little apartment in Berlin and survived.

If nothing else, now you know to get a long-term lease when you move to a nicer place, and then be prepared.

Also, if we want to get philosophical about it, stand back and look at the big picture - there are lots of people in the world who are totally homeless right now due to personal circumstances or natural disasters. The fact that you will have to “suffer” in a month-by-month hotel/motel for 40 days or so is not the end of the world for you.

I know you’re right about the persepctive and all; but I still collapse sympathetically at the thought of moving twice in two months.

Look at it as the begining of a great adventure. Treat it as a blog topic, homeless grad student or some such.

I sympathize, Im trying to think of something to make it positive. I was evicted once in university when I tried to give notice, (private renting of a room in someone;s house) and spent 6 weeks homelessly couch surfing between my boyfriend’s place and another friend’s couch.

Hang in there.