About a year ago, the house I’m renting was put on the market by the homeowner. I didn’t seriously expect it to sell. They were asking way too much, although they’ve whittled that down over time. So yesterday, it actually sold. And I need to find a new place.
Surprisingly, my rental prospects are actually pretty decent. I will end up paying less and living closer to work than I am now, so there is a silver lining. I’m looking for another roomshare, although I actually have the opportunity to go halfsies on a lease with someone I know. I’ll probably pass on that, since I don’t want to be on the hook to a property management company again unless I’m the sole occupant. I was royally screwed by a shared rental back in college, so I don’t particularly want to go that route again. However, 4 people have also gotten in touch with me already about roomshares. I’m going to look at those places this weekend, pick one on Sunday, and then… time to start packing. :mad: Bah! I don’t want to move. Especially in December! I’ve been here for over a year and a half. It was nice to have some stability for a while. The place actually felt like home. Hopefully my next landlord is as cool as this one… ;_;
Thanks, lorene. I don’t know what the closing date is. My LL just said “as soon as possible.” And since the 1st of the month is the best time to find a new place, I went with that. She’s also moving out on the 1st with me, because she’s been living in/maintaining the place while her grandma’s in a nursing home. I imagine the proceeds from the sale of the home are going toward grandma’s long-term care, so I *am *actually happy about that. She’s 91 and not in the best shape, so it’s good they finally sold it.
I’ve got a line on 2 new places that are in the same city I work, and would be more affordable than my current arrangement. And two others that are slightly further away… fingers crossed! Craigslist has never yet let me down when it comes to moving on short notice.
Yeah, I wouldn’t be moving if it weren’t an absolute necessity! But my car will be paid off in a year and a half. With the money that frees up, I’ll be able to afford a *very *nice one-bedroom apartment close to work. So, hopefully this is my penultimate move. /pray
That’s awesome! When you get to the living alone stage, you have to have a virtual housewarming party.
I love not having a monthly car payment. My car isn’t anything special to look at and my kids are always telling me that my husband’s car is nicer…but his is still costing us $210/month and mine isn’t!
Mhm, that’s the problem. I’ve always had to move completely under my own steam. Movers are expensive, and I don’t have enough stuff to justify paying for help or even a u-haul (even if I had the money for those things, which I don’t). Nearly everything I own fits into 3ish trips in my sedan, so it could be worse. If I’m lucky, my mattress will fit into my roomie’s SUV and she’ll help me get it to my new place. It’s a queen but it’s flexible, so here’s hoping. If it doesn’t, I dunno what I’m going to do. I don’t think it’s safe to tie it to my roof!
I live in my childhood home, and it’s getting to the point where it’s just too big and too much a money pit for just my husband and I. He actually goes white with fear whenever we discuss it when it should be me who should be doing that.
I heartily welcome purging 40+ years’ of stuff. most of which I don’t use and probably will never use (thanks, Mom).
My husband, OTOH, has moved cross country multiple times and has probably lost more items in transit than he can count.
It was a very soggy day. Luckily we don’t have much stuff; we were able to get everything in a small U-Haul in one trip. But then we had to go back the next day and clean the old place…
Holy yaybutts, I snapped up a place on Sunday. My LL will be a lady who’s renting out 1bed/bath in her 2bed/2bath condo. I’ll have my OWN bathroom and balcony (fuck yeah) for $100 less a month than I’m currently paying (fuck fuck yeah!). It’s a little further from work, but the commute isn’t any longer since I can take the toll road. Even after factoring in the cost of an I-Pass, the place is more convenient/adorable/affordable than my current arrangement. It’s a *beautiful *room–I should really post pictures, the entire southern wall is a window. And the building is secure, you can’t get inside without a keycode, and there are security cameras that can be watched from a channel on television. Pretty fucking fancy! She also has 3 cats that I can pretend are mine.
My favorite thing about the place (which okay, is pretty weird, but whatever) is the trash chute and same-floor laundry. No longer will I have to transport garbage from my car to a dumpster! No more forced recycling! No more tramping down into a dark, disgusting spidery basement to wash my clothes! And oh, the amenities. Workout room, free swimming pool in the summer, watching beautiful sunrises out of my window wall… bestill my beating heart. The moving part will still suck donkey balls, but it’ll be worth it. <3
Cleaning sucks! I’ve only got one day to get it all done–moving out and cleaning, and I’ll probably unpack slowly over the next couple weeks, because that’s what I do. Fortunately, I only have one room to clean and the floors are old parquet. All I really have to do is sweep/mop thoroughly and swipe the windows.