Esora delle zheniecheeng pera.Ka pruteri .Afitylereme.Dureayuitenoo ees diro ketie.Ragaolu aeste.Oy ir datui roim wire aib uidu auone fisu nuifleheheo.Saoflelano wadoi tevo metane jita uorry boreyeck dollopoi Thadae oohesaderhi.
Theronaete goo benao josi tel jage ka nute.Keaschesoro thero danni niro.Hoalu cabrech id theh huti eota vares nois aeflerhyroanonna tel.Lelenesee ra tone thae dabb tu tase de eota Thadae kodat 10 tho 1277-1306 seto ranu ragri daroreb trexeasalutu rad zhetoinente luidi ched aidele nyki zide aafla fescha eeppedo tesare lola trea aegho.Aetenenee licla cesu ts beatoy cha eereso.Chr len otuvu hareblighu ts 10 chet uover hiru kata fe
I tried googling a few individual words and got only results consisting of the exact text you have presented here.
To me, it looks like it might be English, run through some kind of substitution and/or pig-latinising algorithm (like I did, albeit much more simply, with Blikster)
Either that, or some kind of randomly-generated chaff text designed to have the statistical appearance of real language (i.e. in terms of letter distribution and relationship, word length, etc), so as to be able to fool spam filters into thinking it’s not a spam message.
Were there links with the posts? If so, they, not the text, are the payload
From a quick examination, the sample doesn’t appear to have enough repeated words to be a genuine language. Words like ‘the, is, and’ etc. should show up more than a couple of times.
Also, if the first sentence has a subject, the word for that subject doesn’t figure prominently in the rest of the text. Seems to me that’s uncommon in actual languages, as opposed to gibberish.
Was the quoted the entirety of the post? I ask, because one of the Google results (which you have no doubt come across in your own searches) includes your text:
It looks like one of elucidator’s posts. Maybe you can send him a private message asking for a direct translation into English from whatever the Hell it is that he seems to speak all the time.
Hee hee hee… If you use Google translatorand using “Automatic Detection”, when you paste in the first paragraph, it detects it as Italian, if you use the second paragraph, as Indonesian, and if you use both paragraphs - Finnish!
Ofcourse, all without a proper English translation.
Ummm… I never said it was. My initial “hee hee hee” should have given you the clue that I thought it was funny how placing that text into google translator came out with varying results… And my ending (“Ofcourse, all without a proper English translation.”) should have confirmed that in all three cases Google was guessing incorectly.
If in fact it WAS Finnish (or Indonesian, or Italian), this would have been the end of this Thread as the OP’s question would have been answered.
I was thinking gibberish generator like this one. But, if the spammer had copied and pasted from that gibberish generator, he would have kept the fairly normal punctuation. The odd period placement in the sample – sometimes no spaces, sometimes a space before the period, etc – and the lack of any other punctuation make it look like a person typed it.