Can anyone translate this gibberish?

I received this email message. I don’t know for a fact that it is legit, or even a real language. It could just be someone banging on a keyboard:

haloo gimana arek arek [mailing list] ?
aku mau nanya nih, katanya [mailing list] tanggal 5 mei
kemarin ngadain festival untuk ultah nya [mailing list] di
jogja kok kemarin nggak ada dan khabarnya aku denger
besok tanggal 19 mei di jogja itu betul nggak?

NB ; salam buat [mailing list] ya+
buat mas Tulus sampai ketemu lagi di kinsernya
[mailing list] ya

(I’ve edited out the name of the mailing list that I was a part of. If you’re interested, though, I ended up on it after I bid on a Stacy Q album on Ebay.)

My only question is:

What were you doing bidding on a Stacey Q album?

I think the gibberish IS the Stacey Q album. :wink:

plugging in some of the words into a search engine, it seems to indicate that your passage is in some Indonesian language. The national language is Bahasa Indonesia, but it’ll take a better linguist, perhaps matt_mcl or Jomo Mojo to tell which and to, perhaps, translate.

It’s something Indonesian-- malaysian, somewhere in that family. Can’t tell you any more than that. Is there babelfish for that kind of thing?

Indonesian alright, though finding an online translator is hard word. I did part of one sentance here :

and got this snippet :

aku = I
mau = want/will
nanya = ask
nih = now
katanya = people say

Although not all words are found.

You won’t believe this, but the one person I know who actually speaks some Indonesian dialects is out of the country for ten days :frowning:

— G. Raven