what does this gibberish mean?

Ok a good friend sent me an email and it contained the fallowing…with the tag line of its all greek to me.

Åßìáé ôüóï áîéüðéóôïò üðùò ìå èÝëåôå ãéá íá åßóôå. Åßìáé ðéü áñãüò áðü óêåöôÞêáôå üôé öáíôÜæïìáé åðßóçò. ÁðïêñõðôïãñÜöçóá ôåëéêÜ ôï ìÞíõìÜ óáò. Ìå óõã÷ùñÞóôå. Ðáßñíåé Ýíáí ìáêñï÷ñüíéï ÷ñüíï êÜíïíôáò ôï ìå ôï ÷Ýñé. Ðüóï êáéñü ðïëý Ýêáíå äéêþí óáò ðáßñíåé; Ðñïóðáèþ áêñéâþò íá óáò ðù åãþ èÝëù íá åßìáé ößëïé. Ðñïóðáèþ íá âÜëù åìðñüò ôçí ðñïóðÜèåéá. Öáßíåôáé áêñéâþò üðùò áìÝóùò áõôüí üëç ç ðñïóðÜèåéÜ ìïõ óðáôáëéÝôáé åíôåëþò. Ìå åíçìåñþóôå åÜí åßíáé. Ìðïñþ íá ÷åéñéóôþ áõôïý. Äåí èá åßíáé êáëü, áëëÜ ìðïñþ íá ôï ÷åéñéóôþ. Åßìáé áêñéâþò êïõñáóìÝíïõ ôçò ðÜëçò ãéá êÜôé åÜí äåí õðÜñ÷åé ôßðïôá ãéá íá ðáëåøåé åêåß ãéá. Ðéü ðñüóöáôåò çìÝñåò

so My question is it just rubbish or is there something there?

Looks like UNICODE or UTF8 to me. Try copying from the original e-mail and pasting it into Microsoft Word - Word might auto-detect it for you. If not, try “paste special” and pick different options to see if anything emerges.

It seems you have a literal-minded friend - all Greek it is. Don’t know enough Greek to say what it might be about, though, or if it’s just Greek nonsense.

Cheesy machine translation:

Seem to be some sense in it.

Just in case you haven’t done so - to see it properly on this SDMB page, go to View -> Encoding -> Greek (ISO)

(on my machine, this is under “More…” on the menu)

I guess [symbol]Apokruptograjhsa[/symbol] would mean something like ‘decrypted’.

Hmm… The actual text is greek, but it absolutely makes no sense. It feels like somebody wrote something in english, and then passed through a english-to-greek web translator… It’s exactly like the garbage (sense-wise) these things produce. If I try to retranslate it word for word in english, I can see sense shining through. It wasn’t written in greek originally, though.

I have no time to properly translate it right now, but it seems that the text Larry Mudd supplies comes pretty close.

Apokryptographisa means “decrypted”, yes.