LAP-ing is not allowed.

I’m noticing this annoying trend with most women around my age. I would be off to classes, and along the way, without fail, there would always be a random woman wearing leggings as pants (LAP). It’s gross and annoying, even more so if they are overweight.

Random Woman found a pair of level 41 leggings! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 01:05:27 towards level 37.

Well, I can’t exactly wear them as hats.

I don’t think I’ve seen this. Have any pics for an example?

Yeah, I’ve noticed this trend. I blame Lindsey with her custom line of leggings. Though worse is the trend of wearing tights as pants.

Fashion tip: Some of the more cutting edge leggings come with built in kneepads, as modeled by Paris, because clearly you need kneepads on your leggings just in case you’re going to suddenly decide to be kneeling on the ground for extended periods of time.

Though I suppose with kneepads is better than without, (I’m talking to you Mischa)

Eh, another wanna-be Fashion Police. The only fashion rules I tend to follow any more are laws about indecent exposure. I don’t wear leggings as pants, but only because I’m too old, uncool, and dorky to own any leggings. I do wear Crocs in public, and Birkenstocks, sometimes WITH WHITE SOCKS!

And I’d like to know what you, or anybody else, is going to do about it! Nyaah nyaah! I fart in your general direction!

Yeah, what the hell are leggings anyway?

Those aren’t pants? :confused:

You’ve never experienced true leggings-as-pants till you’ve had an overweight girl in front of you in the weightlifting class wear a pair of almost-sheer ones that became actually-sheer ones when she leaned over for deadlifts.

Just sayin’.

Leggings are opaque, not always form-fitting pant substitutes that are appropriate to wear under some blouses, dresses and tops that do not fall well over regular slacks or jeans that might have bulky waistbands, pockets, zippers or other stuff that would ruin the line of the top. They shouldn’t be sheer and revealing. That’s my take on it.

Tights - well, I think of this more of a 70s term - lighter weight fabric, maybe more like sheer-ish exercise wear for under a leotard or a slightly more opaque choice where you might wear pantyhose. Certainly should not be worn as pant substitutes. Gym-goers should wear fabrics or rags made for working out - that don’t go sheer with sweat!

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out a way to wear leggings that doesn’t make my legs look fat and short. Somehow the way it cuts off at the ankle is most unflattering.

Oh man, I hate this look. It seems like all anyone wears is black leggings with a frumpy loose shirt, perhaps with an unflattering wide belt to really emphasize how unattractive it all is. Now, I’ll admit I have a pair I’ll wear under short skirts and dresses to extend my summer wardrobe into fall. But never, ever, with just a shirt.

It always looks like a little kid trying on her mom’s clothes from the 80s, except with a dash of pathos- what should be fresh and innocent is a lumpy, over-made up adult trying way to hard to do something she can’t possibly believe in.

Everyone- even extremely attractive women- just look like the sad used-up ghosts of pop culture in this look. I swear this look makes otherwise good looking people suddenly spout acne, sagging breasts and stringy hair. It doesn’t look young, but it also doesn’t look mature. It doesn’t look fashionable but it also doesn’t look casual. It just looks like the inside of a nearly empty subway car around 9:00 PM- too late to be coming home from work, too early to be coming home from nightlife. It looks like a diet coke and a KFC double down, eaten alone. It looks like the lighting of an airport after hours. Exactly what are you trying to achieve?

Nothing good. That is clear. Nothing good at all.

I’m confused. Are leggings the same thing as stirrup pants or not? People used to refer to stirrup pants as “leggings” back in the 80s.

Isn’t it always just the random woman? Why can’t it ever be a specific woman?

My daughter sometimes wears leggings as pants, usually paired with a long T-shirt. She also owns a pair of leggings that look like they’re made of jeans fabric - “jeggings,” she calls them. God, I hate that word.

They can be, as seen here. However, most modern leggings do not have foot stir ups.

The dark side of the force here, as you can see from the second picture, (and as mentioned by lindsaybluth): many leggings are so sheer that they really are tights. I personally am not judging you leggings as pants people (out loud), but I draw the line at tights as pants.
Lucky 13** …jeggings…because skinny jeans weren’t unflattering enough.

Pssh. Leggings are so out. Skants are where it’s at.

I am Specific Woman! I wear leggings on the weekends all the time and I don’t care if you don’t like it. I wear them with long sweaters and sweatshirts because they’re extremely comfortable.

So nyah.

ETA - Mine are not see-through.

Big, loose sweaters and stirrup pants are back, but without the stirrups? I loved that look back in the 80’s. I generally wear loose-fitting tops now, because I like them. Maybe I’ll have to go clothes shopping sometime.

I gave up on fashion at age 16, and never looked back. Never regretted it, either.

Well, I approve.

I also approve of the new look consisting of skin-tight jeans and knee boots.

Please continue these trends.