Hello, smart Dopers with old laserdisc players,
I would like to convert a laserdisc set my school has to DVD. The set is called “Physics: Cinema Classics,” and the problem is that every 10-15 seconds or so the disc stops play and makes me hit “Step -->” to continue. This seems to be the default of the disc. I think it has something to do with the barcode reader that can supposedly be used with it and the fact that the disc is designed so you can jump to a certain demo. Anyway, is there a way to simply play the disc straight through? I’m using an old Pioneer Laservision LD-V4200 player, with no remote or computer connection and simply the buttons on the front (“Play, Still/Step, Scan, Display,” and my all-time favorite electronics button, “Reject”).
I’ve searched the internet for dip-switch settings, but aside from trying all 2^8 combinations (there are 8 dip switches), I’m at a loss. Help!