Latin tranlsation

I’m looking to translate “Leave no stone unturned” into Latin. While I’m sure there are dopers who can help me in that regard, is there anything out there like a Babelfish for Latin (although, knowing Spanish, I know that the Babelfish produces marginally usable translations at best)?

Not much help but for what its worth…

leave licentia, excedo, discedo, egredior, dimitto
no quinymo quinimmo, nullus, haud
not xxx
none xxx
rock silex silicis (med. cilicis)
turned xxx
unturned xxx
back rursus, tergum
All from an English-Latin dictionary.

Try to locate a Latin Teacher, most likely at a Catholic H.S. I doubt many HS’s teach latin anymore.

There’s this site, but I can’t seem to get it to work.

There is an attested Latin phrase, omnem movere lapidem, “turn every stone,” with the same meaning as the idiom in the OP

You could try “Relinque nulla saxa nonversa.” Literally, “Abandon no stones not having been turned.”

The phrase you’re looking for is Omnem movere lapidem, attibuted (I believe) to Erasmus.