I enjoy dead babie jokes, as well as most offensive jokes, and I even laugh at the misfortune of others from time to time. In the past, some members have said you’d have to be a sick loser, a pathetic deviant unfit to live, and a pile of garbage to laugh at such things. I’m not quite sure what to say to that other than it’s just the way I am, and that I’m sure other people have laughed at things in the past simply because they were offensive. Laughing at dead baby jokes, and other stuff, is just an extreme variation of this.
As for laughing at others misfortunes, well, this certaintly isn’t something I do to friends*, co-workers, and relatives. However, if I’m watching the news and I hear about some guy who died because he got his thumbs stuck while hiking the Appalachian trail and was unable to open up his bags of peanuts to survive, well, this is going to strike me as funny. My sympathies aren’t even going to come close to making this guy’s familily feeling better, and it’s hard to even feel sorry for someone who would die from such a silly cause.
Also, after much thinking, I’ve discovered something interesting about myself: I care a lot about issues, but not so much about the people that created the issues. I still haven’t made sense of this myself. I love my family and friends, try to help out people whenever I can, but I feel very indifferent to people I’m unfamiliar with. In the Meyers Briggs test, I was listed as an INTJ, and this is a trait described in some descriptions.
*This isn’t 100% true on account of another message board I post at. It has a very long and somewhat interesting history, and over the years it has transformed from a videogame message board, to one of the most offensive places online. Of course everything is in the name of comedy, but anyone who is unfamiliar with us would leave the board thinking we were the most horrible people on Earth. Anyways, it’s almost a ritual, that members will make fun of another member if they post about a family member or close friend dying. It’s a very tight knit community, with only about 15 members, so it’s expected, and the members related to the deceased will often crack jokes themselves. To actually find this funny, you’d have to posses the darkest sense of humor possible, and that’s something we all have in common.
Not sure if this clears anything up. I’ve long since decided that if I know I’m dying ahead of time, I’m recording my own eulogy, and yes, there will be jokes made.