I’m applying for a job in Seattle. On one form I’m asked if I’ve ever been convicted of a crime (other than a minor traffic infraction).
Well, the only run in with the law I’ve ever had (back in my wild days) was a speeding ticket for going 5 mph over the limit in a 25 MPH zone. Does this speeding infraction qualify as “a minor traffic infraction?” Is it legally considered “reckless driving?”
Any traffic infraction, by definition, is MINOR.
Saying “Minor traffic infraction” is just being redundant. All traffic infractions are minor. You cannot be arrested for infractions or sent to jail, because they are only civil infractions. You can only be made to pay a fine, and in some cases (i believe) do community service.
There are, however, some ‘criminal’ traffic laws. DUI, Reckless Driving, Driving on a suspended license with knowledge, etc. These are actually crimes, not infractions. You can be arrested for these things and sent to jail.
Am I being clear?
So the answer to your application is NO. You have never been convicted of any crime. Infractions are not crimes.
BTW, reckless driving is a seperate thing. If you were charged with reckless driving you would have known it. You would have had to go to court and plea and do everything like in any criminal trial. Reckless Driving is defined (in Florida) as driving with “willful and wanton disregard for public safety”. You cannot get reckless driving just for speeding.
There’s also “Careless Driving” which is not as bad as Reckless Driving because it is only an infraction… but that is more info than you needed.
Thanks Bear. Definitely puts my mind at ease when signing the affidavit. Next time I have a similar question I’ll advertise: “Lawyers or Law Enforcement Officers”
Hold on there a sec. If I explain the allusion, it will spoil the movie for you. All I can say is that the fellas on the Group W bench are the folks you need to help you in filling out your criminal questionnaire.
You’d best just go rent the film and see for yourself. I hope you enjoy it – it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it is one of my favs.