Imagine my surprise. There has been to date no pit thread dedicated to our resident conspiracy loon, Trump apologist, and all around twat - LAZombie.
I realize, this pitting is a short walk from this latest gem by a man with his head so permanently up his own ass that his digestive tract is fully recursive. Still I felt he deserved the attention he so clearly craves.
Verily I say unto thee, LAZ:
Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know thou it for thy good.
Honestly, as much as this is deserved, I don’t really have any fucks left to give this guy. His post is just so damn trite. It’s a hoax, it’s the flu, it’s HIV, which was also a hoax, blah blah blah.
Deep down somewhere I have the hate and vitriol to earn myself a warning, even here in the Pit, but it just ain’t worth it. I’m not even going to ignore list him.
He posts actual Russian propaganda as cites in debates. I asked him why he’s doing that and does he thing Americans should be spreading Russian propaganda here. He didn’t respond, so I don’t engage with him anymore.
Every now and then he crawls from under his rock to vent his noxious ignorance. Not so long ago, the squalid little shit was the most recent in a long line of 9/11 Truthers JAQing off in GD.
He got plonked a long time ago. If people would stop quoting him, I could forget this 3-day-old pile of diarrhea left lying out in the open in 100°F weather even existed.
IIUC that was just posted as a way to show that the Zombie from LaLaLand is a perfect example of a crank magnet. One cranky idea is never enough for guys like it. Bet they can’t eat just one!