Anyone else here in LearnedLeague (more explanation here)? We’re now a week into the current season, and as always my goal is not to be dead last in my division and rundle (i.e. level). I started off well, but have been having those moments lately when I’ve heard of the answer, but don’t think enough to get there.
I’m also in Learned League (so, in their vernacular, I’m a Llama.) I’m in Rundle A Corridor.
An interesting way to follow along with the season is to subscribe to the Learned Lessons daily emails. In these, a Llama goes through each of their questions and answers from the previous day. It’s highly recommended.
Sweet Jesus, the most recent person to write that newsletter (on Saturday) got 9(6)–that’s answering all six daily questions correctly, for the maximum of nine points–all five days of the season so far. I hate him. Well, he’s in the top (A) rundle, and also a former Jeopardy contestant, so he’s going to be good. But DAMN. Good thing I’m not competing against him (I’m in B).
The unusual format of question #6, on Friday, has pissed at least two people off (going by after-game posts on the LL message board). I got it, and I think it’s gettable (81% of players answered correctly), but at the same time it slightly bugs me. I think it’s that it’s a sentence fragment and there’s no question mark. Doesn’t feel like a question without one.
This looks great. I’d like to try it.
The season recently started, but if you remind me in November or so, I’ll send you an invite.
Meanwhile, you can follow along with the current season starting with day 1 here, since questions and answers become available to the general public after the daily match ends (currently we’re on day 7, whose answers will be available tomorrow 9/8). Of course, this doesn’t include the head-to-head aspect or the defensive scoring, but you do get to see what we’ve been answering. (With the category, which we aren’t given.)
WELL, the most recent season is over, and I did NOT end up dead last in my rundle (I finished 16th out of 30) so my only goal was achieved. My cousin (he’s the one who got me into this) didn’t fare so well–he did beat me on the day we had each other as opponents, but was one of the bottom six finishers, meaning he’ll be demoted down to C rundle next season.
Next up: the off-season, featuring a bevy of one-day special quizzes by Learned Leaguers all on specific topics.