Least to Most Uncomfortable

Please rank the following conditions from least to most uncomfortable for you, with no pain or severe sickness involved. With regard to degree (“How nervous are we talking?”), think the worst that you’ve experienced:

nervous, dizzy, nauseous, itchy, scared, hot, cold

Mine would be:

  1. hot
  2. cold
  3. nervous
  4. itchy
  5. dizzy
  6. nauseous
  7. scared
  1. Hot
  2. Dizzy
  3. Nauseous
  4. Nervous
  5. Itchy
  6. Cold
  7. Scared




Not a “need answer fast” :smiley:

I just wanted to see if there were any general trends. Plus, a friend once remarked about the moment right before he vomit as being the closest thing to death he’d ever experienced. The more I thought about it though, I remember having a few “night terror” dreams as a kid that made me think I’d rather be puking.

Honestly, just curious.

dizzy, nauseous, cold, nervous, itchy, scared, hot

I must admit, I’m lucky in that I’ve really never been in a a truly frightening or life-threatening situation. I’ve had worries about my kids such as health scares, injuries, etc. but nothing too major. When I’m scared for my kids or dealing with injuries to myself or others, I usually get very calm and serious.

Husband says:
hot, itchy, cold, nervous, dizzy, nauseous, scared

  1. cold
  2. hot
  3. nervous
  4. itchy
  5. dizzy
  6. scared
  7. nauseous

Least to most would be: hot, cold, nervous, scared, nauseous, itchy, dizzy.

I’ve been violently ill and would have given almost anything for it to stop while it was happening but then I think, it’s currently -35C outside and if I were to be pushed out the door it wouldn’t be long before ‘cold’ moved up the list and I’d rather be puking where it’s warm.

  1. Nauseated
  2. Dizzy
  3. Itchy*
  4. Hot
  5. Cold
  6. Nervous
  7. Scared

When I think itchy I think of all over, hives type itching. Miserable.
Also, if I get dizzy I’ll probably vomit, so that’s almost the same as nausea.

  1. scared
  2. dizzy
  3. hot
  4. cold
  5. itchy
  6. nervous
  7. nauseous

From least to worst:


Scared is a wild card, since when I’m scared I’m thinking outwards, not thinking about how I feel at the time. But if I’m scared, something must be seriously awry, so it’s on the higher end of the list.

Nothing is worse than nausea though. I’d rather be in pain, hot, nervous, scared, and itchy than be nauseated.

Hot, dizzy, itchy, cold, nervous, scared, nauseous


I get nauseous when I’m hot, and it sucks. And I’m the biggest scaredy cat that ever lived.

Least to most:

  1. nervous
  2. scared
  3. cold
  4. itchy
  5. nauseous
  6. dizzy
  7. hot

I can sleep under all of those conditions except #7. Nauseous is more physically demanding than dizzy, but dizzy bothers me a lot more. (I’m talking room-spinning dizzy.) I have dealt with 1-4 so often that they aren’t a thing.

It’s interesting how many people react so badly to nausea. I recently heard the author of a book about anxiety talking about how emetophobia (fear of vomiting) is his worst fear. He said it was the fourth most common phobia, although I’ve seen lots of different lists.

I don’t vomit very often, but neither vomiting nor nausea is that horribly uncomfortable to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve experienced so much motion sickness, as described in the current thread on the topic.

My order from least to most uncomfortable:

  1. hot
  2. nauseous
  3. dizzy
  4. cold
  5. itchy
  6. scared
  7. nervous

I’m sorry, I posted mine backwards. Please update the spreadsheet for record #2 to


Least to most:

dizzy - actually kind of fun
nervous - nervousness is usually followed by something good, in my experience
itchy - annoying when it’s bad
cold - I don’t mind the cold, plus you can always bundle up
hot - Not much you can do when it’s too hot
nauseous - not much fun at all
scared - I get scared easily and it’s usually for no good reason, but I hate the feeling.

I posted mine backwards, too.

Least to most would be

  1. Scared
  2. Nervous
  3. Cold
  4. Hot
  5. Itchy
  6. Dizzy
  7. Nauseated

1 nervous
2 scared
3 hot
4 cold
5 dizzy
6 nauseated
7 itchy

After having to endure severe itchinnes while bed ridden and unable to move and therefore do anything about it, I no longer underestimate the desperation, madness inducing power of an itch.

Tally so far:

		Total	Avg
hot		47	2.9375
cold		51	3.1875
nervous		54	3.375
dizzy		58	3.625
itchy		71	4.4375
scared		81	5.0625
nauseous	86	5.375

least to most:


The absolute most uncomfortable feeling I’ve ever experienced was when I had chicken pox and itched everywhere.