Led Zeppelin rumors?

Last night on CNN’s crawler I just saw the words “Led Zeppelin” go by and watched for another 20 minutes and didn’t see it again. I mentioned it to my wife and she heard on the radio that there were yet more rumors about a reunion. Now, I don’t think there’ll ever be a reunion outside of special tributes and such. But I was wondering if anyone knew what that wsa on CNN and if they’ve heard any news on Zep lately that might have been what was on the CNN crawler. Their website didn’t tell me anything.


Now I know what I want for Christmas.

Well there is this:


But The Sun is the equivalent of The National Enquirer, so take it with a grain or two of salt.

Haven’t heard of anything.


That sun article is cool but I saw an interview a few weeks ago where Plant prettymuch said that there’s no point in re-hasing Zep again.

Who knows. I’d like to see it but I’m not holding my breath.

Is Jason Bonham a good drummer, anyway?

I thought Rumors was Fleetwood Mac.

Well, the three surviving members of Led Zeppelin HAVE reunited for a handful of special occasions (like Live-Aid), and Jimmy Page has recorded and toured with Robert Plant now and again. But while Page and Plant toured together and DID play a lot of vintage Led Zeppelin material, they did NOT call themselves Led Zeppelin, and studiously avoided most of Led Zeppelin’s most commerically popular songs (no “Stairway,” most notably).

Although I was a huge Led Zeppelin fan, I think Page, Plant and Jones were right to disband when John Bonham died. And I admire the way they stuck to their decision, because they passed up tens of millions of dollars by doing so.

I mean, they broke up in… 1978, I think. In that time, the Who lost TWO members, but still don’t have the decency or sense to call it quits. In that same time, a HOST of bands have given “farewell” tours, then re-formed and gone back on tour (Hint: “The Last Waltz,” my foot!).

I have no inside information about a Led Zeppelin reunion, but hey, I remember hearing HUNDREDS of rumors about Zeppelin reunions in the late Seventies and early Eighties. Sometimes Yes drummer Allan White was rumored to be the new drummer, sometimes Cozy Powell, sometimes Carl Palmer… and MOST often, John Bonham’s son Jason. But invariably, the rumors turned out to be bogus. And if the band didn’t reunite back then, when they’d have made a mint doing so, I have a hard time seeing why they’d do it now, when they’d be a mere nostalgia act. Who knows, MAYBE they really need the money- but I still doubt it’s going to happen.

And I hope it doesn’t. Unlike so many other bands, they had the good taste to disband when an integral member died. They set a good example. I’d hate to see them change their minds THIS late in the game.

Cozy Powell, the US Secretary of Defense? :smiley:

A Zeppelin reunion would be great! Especially if they put out a couple of albums. Seems like I remember some kind of falling out between Page and Jones a few years back where Jones’d been removed from future considerations. My all time fav band! We’re all getting so much older they may need to do it soon!!
they’re also my son’s favorite, oy!

From Guitar World November 2002:

“Jimmy Page and CO deliver a long awaited live Christmas package.”

From the article it sounds like there is going to be a Zepplin DVD release of old material including two live re-mixed recordings in 5.1 Surround Sound, interviews, bootlegs and early TV appearences.

The Guitar World website doesn’t have the info online yet as the issue is still on the newsstands.


Zeppelin never officially broke up, they said that we cannot continue as we are. They disbanded in December 1980, 3 months after Bonhams death in September 1980.

And who are you to decide that it is indecent for The Who to call it quits. And since The Who are raking in money by the 18 wheeler full on their current tour I think it’s damn sensible for them to be out on the road.

Better them, then The Strokes, The Vines, The Hives, The White Stripes or one of the other flavor of the week bands who are 1/2 down the road to has-been status already.

I’m starting to really like this guy. In any music thread, you always know exactly what he’s going to say. He talks about these guys more than their fans do!

Yeah, I heard a rumor about Led Zepplin. I heard they were tired and fat and old. Can anyone verify?

Seriously, though, I would not want to see the 25-year-old reunion of one of the greatest bands ever. Music, like love, is a function of time and place. Even if new Zep rocks as hard as old Zep, it’s not going to sound the same in 2003 as it did in 1975.

I can somewhat identify with with Kyomara is saying.
I am a Boomer, and went to a lot of concerts in the 70’s.
I feel like I have seen the Zep, the Who, the Stones and all those other guys at the top of their game, the best they could possibly be seen. I haven’t gone to any of the ‘reunion’ concerts the past several years. Am done with stadium shows.

OTOH, have seen Mark Knopfler and Neil Young very recently, and those guys’ shows were kick-ass. The musical talent and magic was still there. Maybe what I am actually tired of are overpriced, hyped up “event” concerts.

I’m not so presumptuous as to…er…presume…that just because the guys are old they can’t rock anymore (although the chance that one can’t I think does increase with age). I’m just saying that even if they rock just as hard, I don’t know how relevant they’ll be.

Still, though, a lot of their old fans will probably be more than willing to shell out $100 for a ticket to the show.

If I were lucky enough to have been of age in the 70s, I’d not want to see a reunion either. However, since I was born in '73, I missed the boat. They are my favorite band and I’d love the chance to see them perform live. Sure it won’t rock as much as it did in the 70s but it would still be great to see them play their music live. I saw Plant 4 times as a solo artist, and Page/Plant both times they came through together. Hearing them play Zeppelin tunes was chilling.

I believe you mean Secretary of State (and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs), Colonel Parker.


Actually, The Who have called it quits … repeatedly.

And I’m sure they can quit again any time they want. :slight_smile:

Not hardly.

And if the truth hurts, hey that’s not my problem.

Tsk, tsk, it’s not kosher to make fun of the dead.

:::Thunk Thunk…Is this microphone on?..Thunk Thunk Thunk:::

As I posted earlier the news about Zeppelin is that there is going to be a new DVD release, though it is not offical yet, with re-mixed live concert footage, interviews, rare bootlegs and early TV appearances. It is not a reunion but there is going to be new unreleased material on the DVD according to Guitar World Nov, 2002.

Slee ::who walks off wondering if his first post was totally ignored::::