Leg gets numb from standing, walking. Causes?? Should I be concerned?

While I’m standing in line at a store or walking around the store, my left leg will start to get numb and tingly in the top muscle between the knee and hip. It feels like its falling asleep, I’ll slap it and after a short while normal feeling will come back.

I initially thought it had something to do with too much stuff in my front pocket but experimentation has shown that isn’t the case. It’s not consistent either, on a whole day of shopping, I might have to wake it up once or twice. It’s been like this for a couple years now. I’m in my early 40’s, overweight but generally healthy.

I’ve always considered my body like a car in that it’s almost impossible to find the cause of the occaisional squeak and that you need to wait until the squeak gets consistent and predictable before you get a mechanic involved. I’m not fearful of doctors, it’s just that until I can show the doctor my issue, I’m not confident that they can do anything but guess.

IANAD, but when my dad had those symptoms it was diagnosed as claudication.

It’s a form of peripheral arterial disease,

It wouldn’t be an overreaction to ask your doctors about it.

it could be meralgia paraesthetica you are having. but normally that is from standing still, and walking or sitting makes the numbness go away.

It could also be a nerve that gets touched the wrong way in certain positions.

I have that problem with both my hands and my face. It’s apparently an RSI. (How one gets and RSI in one’s face, I don’t know. Maybe I smile a lot?)


I have noticed a similar issue in my left leg; when I spoke to my doctor about it a few weeks ago, he suggested that it was “referred bursitis” - i.e., I was having issues with my hip, most likely, and it was affecting my front quad muscle…

I am keeping an eye on it and will plan to go back if it doesn’t appear to be improving.

Best of luck with your issue.

It’s definitely something to contact a doctor about. Do you have regular check ups? If you’re not ready to rush out to the doctor you should at least mention at a check-up. It could be related to something else that simple tests will reveal.

But I shouldn’t talk, I usually wait until I’m half dead before I see a doctor. But that’s not a good idea.