So, today, we started the unit on Polarity Therapy in my complementary modalities class. May or may not be a crock, but that isn’t the issue.
The issue is, Polarity Therapy is a form of energy work.
I’m a practicing Catholic, and I have really strong objections to engaging in anything occultic. From where I’m sitting, energy work looks like an occult practice. My teacher had assured me that anything taught in the class was strictly a physical technique, physical manipulations of the body to help it do what it’s supposed to do naturally, and that she doesn’t believe in things like “the laying on of hands” I was reassured until I saw the curriculum.
Basically, the therapist places their hands on strategic locations of the body in order to rebalance the “magnetic fields.” Sure looks like the “laying on of hands” to me.
My teacher insists that it’s not “occult” or “voodoo”, but I have serious doubts. It appears to me that some Oriental occultic healing practices have been renamed in “scientific” Western terms.I’ve called my priest and he has agreed to look at the curriculum. If he thinks it is something I should not be involved in doing, then I’m not going to do it. Period.
I’ve already lost some participation points because I decided to sit the hands on part of the class out today. My teacher has told me in no uncertain terms that refusing to participate will affect my grade. I won’t fail the class because of this- it’s only one short unit out of a semester-long course, and everything else is pretty much valid physical massage modalities.
My question is, assuming my priest reviews the curriculum and pronounces anathema on it, can my teacher make it an acedemic requirement that I participate in this kind of energy work? She is aware that I have religious objections to it, and my refusal would be on purely religious grounds. I heard the proverbial “somewhere” that if a student in a public school refuses to take part in a class activity on religious grounds, the teacher must allow the student to do an alternate project, rather than give them an “F” for the day. Would this apply in a (state-funded) community college class as well? Is she legally required to allow me to do some alternate project so that I won’t have to get a lower grade for refusing to violate my religious beliefs?
I’m actually feeling kind of betrayed right now. I feel like this teacher misrepresented what was going to be happening in the class. I also feel she is continuing to be deceptive by trying to claim that the Polarity Work isn’t “psychic” or occultic. Calling a practice by a different name does not change its nature.