Who are the “out” lesbians here at SD? If this sensitive, I undersatand.
IMHO is for opinions and polls.
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DrMatrix - General Questions Moderator
Uh, why are you asking?
(And, yes, I’m a lesbian.)
Define Lesbian. Define terms you used in defining Lesbian. This is not a GQ, but we may be able to make it into a GD
Kelly, just want to know about my fellow Dopers. In Cafe society, there’s an OLD thread asking gay male Dopers opinion on something. (sorry don’t remember what)
eric, what the heck is going on with you lately? Are you writing some kind of lesbian boxing league fantasy story featuring SDMB members?
I messed up those links pretty good:
I’m an out queer chick. [sub]bows Thank, you.[/sub]
Uhmmm… how exactly are you defining “out?” :smack:
Good point.
I’m “out” as in “it’s common knowledge that I’m queer.”
i.e. Everyone at work knows and my SO attends all work and family functions where SOs are expected to attend.
My SO is also a pseudo-celebrity who has been a featured performer at Pride events in a couple of countries. And until I moved to the big city, I was locally well-known as an artist and it was public knowledge that I’m queer (though it wasn’t relevent to my work and never really came up much in conversation).
So yup, I think I qualify as “out” in the sense that anyone who knows me knows I’m queer (I don’t fit any stereotypes though, so new acquaintances always assumed that I’m straight.)
Not everyone who knows me knows I’m a lesbian. I generally don’t tell people who have no need to know, which means I don’t tell my business acquaintances.
Mmm… lesbians…
puts her hand up
Yup, I’m a big dyke. Everyone knows it, even total strangers walking past me on the street.
Kamandi- No I’m just getting to know my fellow Dopers, and another thread ID the male gay Dopers. Besides, Andy’s right! The sport posts aren’t all that related to this, BTW.
erictelevision, why do you need to know who the lesbians are?
And andygirl saying “Mmm… lesbians…” is a whole lot different from you saying that. Don’t forget, survey says ten out of ten lesbians prefer women. And most of us are not amused by having some guy drool over us.
Awwww, come on. Just a little drool? I mean, we are talking about lesbians here. Its not my fault I like lesbians. Its just that I’m drawn to anything pertaining to lesbians. Just the word lesbians was enough to make me come in here. Am I a lesbian? No. Do I really know anything about lesbians? Nope. Did I enjoy typing lesbians seven times in this post? I sure did.
Interesting how KellyM assumed erictelevision was male, I assumed they were female . . . . . even with a name like eric.
- Gartog
Yeah, well, you know those lesbians. Always jumping to conclusions.
The sports threads aren’t all that related? So they do have something to do with you asking who here is a lesbian? Call me a spoilsport, but this is a little too salacious for me. I believe you have an ulterior motive for “just getting to know your fellow Dopers”.
So what if he does? You don’t have to answer him.