I just un-bagged my cream cheese and found a whipped and creamy cheese spread. It does taste nice, much like it should, but I never would have thought that adding extra rennet (cornstarch in gravy) would have made it so much smoother. I’m going to have to play with this a little more because this will probably be popular.
Not that my main buyer will care, the diner is closing down at the end of the month. The owner was the one who told me and he really did have tears in his eyes. I’m sad too, it was nice having a greasy spoon close to hand for when we were in the mood.
OTOP, I am making more money with less work supplying the pizza place that is probably going to close down. The nice and very insistent neighbor who runs a small farm stand really wants me to work for her as well, but she is really more interested in Hubs’ beer.
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 63 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 90 and N.O.S. for the day. I predict a day of high sloth with the possibility of some quality cee-mint pond time cause I can. I also have to get the servers schedule for October worked out so’s I can get it out to everyone, most especially the church administrator. He will have a stroke if he does not have it in hand by tomorrow. Sup shall be leftovers from yestiddy, so that’ll be easy.
JtC the cheese spread sounds nummy. I am sure you will have other places clamoring’ for your cheese.
Suze and doggio what with the vaccines, boosters, and such, I am sure you all will be fine.
Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.
Morning, mumpers! It’s decidedly autumnal today, 12c/53f with a predicted high of 13c/55f and mostly cloudy. Weather app says “Cloudy and mild. Someone needs to start a fucking dance party or some shit. Might it be you?” No, not me, not yet.
I am at irk, it is irksome and the start of proper teaching for us. That means we’ve had a few students coming in wanting to change modules, change classes, wittering that they can’t see stuff in the uni app, and can’t find the rooms they’re meant to be in. And our fancy new attendance app doesn’t work.
Weird night of dreamage, from the one about seeing a guy shoplift a $144 5# chuck roast to dreaming that I was on my tablet, then waking up, wondering where my tablet was… It took a few minutes to get oriented, but I think my brain is straight again.
Plans for today include getting our third booster and our flu shots - that’s scheduled for 1015. I need to make a run to the convenience center, and honest-to-goodness we need to get mowage done. Today will be our last chance before we leave. OK, FCD could do it another day, but I can’t to the push mowing when Tobias is here. I think I’ll save laundry till tomorrow - I’ll take Tobias downstairs and just throw everything into the dryer < sob> just to get it done.
Can’t recall what I posted in the last MMP, but we’ve got a hotel lined up for me and the inlaws on the 7th, and the truck and car trailer are reserved for the 14th. The dates can be tweaked as necessary. I think we’re as ready as we can be. MIL is supposed to be marking what she wants to bring here, and the rest will be disposed of by her neighbors, the estate salers. BIL is going to give his notice at work today (I hope.) He does cleaning at McD’s, so his just disappearing would be more inconvenient than disastrous
Daughter and SIL have been lined up to keep Higgs and tend to the cats (scoop their box mainly.) Speaking of cats, last night FCD managed to hold down Ziva while I cut off a huge mat. I swear, it looked and felt like a cat’s tail, it was so long and dense. If we could get her to stay still for just 10 minutes, I could get all the mats off. Yeah, that’ll happen…
Thus begins about 3 weeks of insanity. Let’s see how much hair I have when it’s done, or will I have torn it all out…
Good morning everyone. I hope the move goes easily FCM (I’m still a little unsure of MMP nicknames, sorry).
Our dog is finally well and back to chasing lizards and squirrels. We were pretty scared last week and at one point were trying to prepare ourselves for the inevitable. He’s just a little guy, but he means a lot to us and it’s great to see him scampering around the house and bouncing off the walls. What a relief.
Not much planned for the week – had to delay the next booster due to meds-n-stuff. Not sure, but I think we’ll get them next week. Lotsa labs, jabs and old-people issues for the next few days.
One of my kiddos returned from vacation with an additional passenger. They found a kitten mewing and cold (they were in NY) next to their car in the motel lot. It tried to get in with them, probably hoping for some warmth. It’s now at their home making nice with the other cats. New kitty is black and white with a comically hitler-ish face. He’s scheduled for a variety of vet exams this week to ensure he’s off to a good start.
Mornin’ all! About to head to the shop. Not a whole lot going on today, just gonna clean. Mostly waiting on a decision to see if I’m getting a gig. Wish me luck, if I get it, I’ll be swamped for a month, but then set for the rest of the year.
Morning all. Woke up about 5:30am and slept off-and-on to 6:30, so we’ll see how the days goes. Should be an good week for me, no rain forecast before Saturday and highs will be in the 70’sF. Main duty is paying my property tax, haven’t got the notice in mail yet, if it doesn’t show up by Tuesday I’ll take the information from the website and go pay it in person (the office is with the driver’s license place about 4 miles away). Shop-n-sammich-n-swim-n-sauna-n-soccer should keep me occupied.
FCM, sounds like you’ve got things in hand; just be ready for the inevitable surprises.
VanGo, luck is hereby wished. And since I’m half-Irish…
yanked, good on your kiddo. So many would have ignored the kitten. And Yeah! for doggo feeling better.
boo fae, hang in there, bosses have this unreasonable desire to see people working rather than sleeping like nature intended…
OK, need to do the usual Moanday internettin’. All y’all take care.
Up at 0500 today; blargh. I need to stay up later at night. I think today is laundry day, but not until a breakfast sandwich is consumed. Yesterday’s visit by daughter and her boys was very good. We sat around chopping vegetables for the lumpia, then rolling them, so a teaching moment or two before demolishing the entire batch.
Supposed to drop into the mid 30s tomorrow night, which should hasten the turning of the leaves. I’m guessing they’ll turn on the heat in the building today.
We both got our COVID boosters and flu shots, so we’re set. We toured the apartment that’s closer to us - it was OK but I don’t think they’ll like it, and it was pretty small. FCD is going to take cashier checks to the apartment office for the place we want them to have - once they have the money, it’s set, right? No take-backs?
I’ve got 2 loads of bedding and sheets out on the lines, and I’m having lunch. In a bit, I’ll gather the household garbage and recycling and head to the convenience center, then back to CVS with the vaccine cards I forgot to take earlier so we can get them marked off. Oh, and I took my car in for an oil change and noisy brakes. I need new front brakes, so there’s another unexpected $900. I need a winning lotto ticket. Dammit.
Where are all of you getting this autumn weather? Today’s high is supposed to be 83º. Eighty-frickin’-three. I hate this weather and want my money back.
I’m not in a bad mood, though. I’m going to skip over to the gym so I can be back in time to help friend/neighbor with the last of the packing and cleaning. It shouldn’t take too long. Since her cats have destroyed her blinds, she’s not getting all her security deposit back, so the place needs to be sparkling clean so she gets something.
I should also launder sheets today. Way too much excitement, I know. Try not to envy my rich, full life.
FCM, wishing you luck, though you’re so efficient, I don’t think you’ll need it. I hope MIL makes wise decisions about what to keep so that’s all done by the time you get down there. If not, I know you’ll make short work of it.
On the bright side, think of the time you’d save. A quick swish with a washcloth, and you’re all set!
JtC: delighted the extra-rennet cheese turned out so well. You’re clearly a gifted cheesemaker. I’m sorry the restaurant clients are closing. I know MetalMouse is right, but losing good places to eat is sad in itself.
boofae, sounds like you could do this first day in your slee–oops, I mean very efficiently. Hope you get a chance to put your feet up and have a nice cuppa when the dust clears.
I don’t think there’s any “might” in such a situation. If people think about getting a cat, poof! There’s a cat. I’m sure it’ll be a sweet one.
From the last MMP:
Wheelz, thanks for the excellent advice.
shoe, nobody could do that line like you! Be prepared for him to say something like “Just checking out the competition,” so you can give a snappy comeback (“Well, don’t get too depressed. I hear Uber is always hiring.”)
That’s too bad about your local restaurants, JtC. I hate to see good local places close.
Yay on your doggy feeling better yank! Glad the kitten found a new home too.
VanGo, I initially read the beginning of your post as got to go to the head shop. Good luck on the gigs.
I had a restless night and woke up shaky as hell with a BG of 53. Yeah, I called out. It’s up to 85 now, so I’m feeling better, thanks to a breakfast of a 6.5 oz. bottle of Mexican coke and toast with honey.
It’s chilly in my apartment right now, given that it was in the low fifties last night and is only 70F now. I had shut the AC off and haven’t started the heat yet, because…fall. I’m fixing to put on a heavier sweatshirt.
Carpet and furniture are cleaned and damp, so I’m in the bedroom with my phone, the iPad and a book. A REAL MADE FROM DEAD TREES BOOK. And a turkey sammich and a tumbler of water. Ursala Kitteh is under the bed but she’ll come out soon. I’ll stay here for a few hours until it’s time to leave for dinner. I don’t have the bedroom carpet cleaned since it gets little traffic. It’s 69 in the house but I am not turning on the heat.
Not too much going on today. I need to get some more paperwork to the mortgage folks, because they will never have all the paper they want. Yeesh. I am very glad that so much is electronic these days. I’d go crazy trying to find all of this stuff if it wasn’t.
I was just about to leave the shop for home, but it now absolutely pouring. Thunder, pea-sized hail, the whole deal. Think I’ll fart around on the intertubes for a little bit.
FCD got to see the apartment, tho it’s not ready quite yet. Last tenants moved out, so cleaning is required. But he gave them the cashier’s checks and maybe we’ll get the keys the end of the week… unless they’ll only give them to the in-laws, in which case, I’ll take them over when we get here.