An Inaugural 2021 MMP

Or Jancember 49th, 2020 2.0 by the new calendar. Up, caffeinated, and sheveled off to sort. Stay safe this week, Mumpers. Hijack away.

First! It’s good to be juvenile!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 37 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 61 and N.O.S. for the day. Cleanin’ lady comes this mornin’ at ten to do her thing. I shall loll about whilst she cleans. OK, I will stay outta her way. Sup shall be country fried steak, rice 'n gravy, field peas with snaps (which I can’t eat but OYW can and he needs his veggies), and bizkits. No other plans for the day which is fine by me.

I shall be gettin’ colonoscopied (is too a word, I just made it up!) whilst the official swearin’ in happens on Wednesday, I think. Thus I will not be sure at all what is happenin’ as I will be drugged pretty much all day. Instructions say not to drive or make legal or financial decisions that day. How very disappointin’ as I had planned to corner the market on gold that very afternoon!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then I suppose I should purtify and look somewhat decent before cleanin’ lady arrives. Rah,

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Well, that was unexpected. (And noisy.) The big trash truck just came by after all.

Good thing I ragged it out there last night anyway. Sucks for all the neighbors who didn’t …

Also, I was all proud of doing some laundry … but forgot to toss in the mesh bag full of masks. Such is our new life now.

Good morning! I’m gonna dash off a note to my Dr - since she’s taken me off my cholesterol meds (maybe temp, maybe not) I want to know if I’m allowed to have grapefruit now. I lurves me some grapefruit!

Today is (perhaps?) final moving day - daughter and SIL are coming to claim a desk and the rest of their stuff that’s in the garage. I’ll wrangle the toddler while they do the heavy lifting. Of course, that means there won’t be a lot of time to do anything else - guess tomorrow will be laundry day, alas! :rofl:

I do need to empty the dishwasher - a chore of maybe 10 minutes at most. And I need to take some pellets out to the shop for FCD, plus I want to bring some firewood into the basement. I guess those count as chores, and I should be able to get them done before all the fun starts later this morning.

Meanwhile, I’ve ingested breakfast and I’m working on caffeination.

Happy Moanday!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s been mostly grey and overcast today, weather app says “Cloudy and humid with a slight chance of a stampede of drunk elephants. You might want to fucking run” whilst promising me 6C/43F up to 8C/46F which does not explain why my fingers are freezing cold.

Our coverage of inauguration stuff starts at 4pm on Wednesday, I’ll be working until about 5pm, then doing a workout and it’s my turn to cook dinner that night so I might have to wait and catch it on the evening news. We were on holiday in Vegas on the day of Obama’s inauguration and sat watching it in a bar. Strange to think that this time, we’ll be celebrating losing the Orange Shitgibbon as much as celebrating the return of peace, harmony and adults to your presidency.

Would that the Orange Shitgibbon would truly get lost…

Dishwasher has been emptied and refilling has begun. I fed my spousal unit, boiled some eggs that will be deviled, and filled the pellet stove. As soon as the eggs are cooled, I’ll peel them, then do the pellet/firewood transfers.

Forgot that “transit” is not running in my neighborhood today due to holiday. Trying to convince DH that inconveniencing himself by taking me to irk is worth the hassle to not be paying Uber (not sure Lyft still wants my business after that mess last week with the lying driver).

Morning all. Not much to report, in a little bit I need to make myself presentable and do a little Moanday shopping (bananas, tomatoes and salad bag right now) and get my Jersey Mike’s sub sammich. I have designated 2sday as being ‘get 2nd shingles shot’ so I’ll have that clear whenever Ali-bama gets it’s act together and gets to me (right now we rank 50th out of 50 states in coverage…yea us).

boo fae, interesting way you English have of describing things…love it.

FCM, so, you’ll be able to get both cars in the garage now, right?

shoe, a bit surprised, our services are shut down on MLK day, my trash pickup won’t be until Firday (note to self, Recycles go out for Thorsday).

swampy, take care and enjoy eating today, it might be your last good meal of the week…

Have a good week all.

Short sort, since it’s Monday and a Federal holiday(no postal routes). And thank you for ordering 6oz. items from Da Jungle today. Except for the fool who ordered a 50lbs. kettlebell. Screw that guy.

The Orange Shitgibbon Defamation League takes issue with any comparison between any of its membership and the current infestation in The White House

We’ve always been able to get both cars in - but I haven’t always been able to get in on the passenger side of FCD’s car. Now I can. :smiley:

Firewood and pellets have been moved to where they’ll be used. Daughter et. al. are on their way. I’m enjoying my last few quiet minutes before Hurricane Roxy arrives. :rofl:

swampy what are field peas with snaps? I know what field peas are, but what are snaps??? My cataract surgery is Thursday. I took off Wednesday because I can. I will watch a bit of the inauguration but will most likely get bored with it and take a nap.

I like the upstairs neighbors, I truly do, except when they spend 11 hours on Saturday and 11 hours on Sunday ripping up their floors and installing vinyl planks. I went over Friday night after listening to the buzz saw for 4 hours. He said they would be done at 7:30 and the guy left at 10. Last night, after 11 hours, I went over at 7 and said “sorry to be a b!tch but we all gotta go to work tomorrow.” The installer left at 8. I wonder how much noise tonight. I hate noise to begin with but this week I am borderline crispy due to upcoming surgery.

Me too, I was shocked (shocked, I tells ya!) at the rattling and at Monkey staring out the window. I actually just now went out - in PJs and sandals, despite a couple inches of fresh snow - to confirm that yes, the bin is indeed empty.

Hauling it back around can wait till I’m dressed and have boots on.

Meanwhile, having a hot cuppa and contemplating the last hour anna half before irk today. Watching snow drift down peacefully.

Wet One sorry the neighbors are making you crispy - though I did like that phrasing! Do you have earplugs to wear, at least?

… and I, too, wondered what “field peas with snaps” meant, and why swampy can’t have any?

Fresh green beans that have been snapped – not cut – into pieces, presumably.

For some reason he’s not allowed to eat legumes before his colonoscopy.

Our bin men come on Wednesdays, so holidays are seldom a problem as far as that goes.

[quote=“dogbutler, post:10, topic:930789, full:true”]
Except for the fool who ordered a 50lbs. kettlebell. Screw that guy.

I did that just for you, but I’m not a guy.

Holiday. Yay. My trash collectors come on Tuesday and Firday and recycling is also on Firday.

I need to do stuff today like laundry. I already unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. I et a chicken sammich for breakfast.

To those asking about my little handgun it is a Ruger 380 and it’s purple. I am not fond of it’s very short grip but it will suffice should I need to shoot it. I have a 12 gauge shotgun too.

I hope everyone has a great, warm and safe week.

Just got the kid down for her nap. Ah, blessed, silence! :smiley: I need a break after 3 hours of wrangling. Her parents have already left with the stuff and they promise to be back before supper time. So I think I’ll do a little afghaning while she’s out.

What shall I make for supper? Maybe something with chicken? Time to inventory the freezer…

I would recommend your Colonel Sanders outfit this time.

If you ever see me running, you’d better run too, 'cause something ugly is chasing me.

I looked at the LCP once upon a time, but they’re just too small for my hands. Those that have them like them a lot though.

Our bin guys come on Moanday morning but the only holidays they take off are Xmas and New Years.

Dunno if I’ll watch the inauguration or not. I’m not big on ceremonies, but if Wifey wants to watch, I may have to by default. It’s a very small house.

Wifey just filled one of the feeders with black sunflower seeds to see if our tribe of tiny birds* will eat them. So far it’s a no. And we’ve got 40 pounds of the stuff. Hope somebody likes it.

  • We have mostly finches, sparrows and pine siskins(sp). We also have bunches of doves, a few flickers and a couple of woodpeckers who come around.

Happy MLK day, y’all.

Finches really go crazy for nyjer seed. I buy it in 7 lb. sacks at Tractor Supply Co.

No school today, of course. So I am getting ahead on my lecture notes and getting the slides prepared today, rather then 15 minutes before I have class! It’s a sunny day, but we have a high wind warning from this evening through Tuesday evening. Better bungie down the privacy screens before the winds send them across the patio.

Have a happy MLK Day, Mumpers!

It is said that you can give a guy the whole magazine of a .380, and he will beat you to death with a bar stool as he bleeds out while you are trying to reload.