Let's help pick Facebook's new name!

Any suggestions?

For a name, I mean…


Sociopath’s Playground.
Scumbag owner’s folly
Suckers got played



(the fullstop/period is because Discourse won’t accept a 4 character post)

Do they think it will work. Will people somehow not know it’s facebook because it has a different name?

“People have finally started to realize that we’re manipulating them and enabling disinformation, all for higher profits. What do we do?”

“Ummm, how about change our policies, and start behaving responsibly?”

“No, no…wait! I have it! Let’s change our name!”

Oddly enough that was the exact conversation.


Mos Eisley. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy .

“Your source for bullshit memes masquerading as facts!”


Me, you, but really me (insert _ but, since no one wants to admit that…)

I actually like FB. I’m not very social so I determine how much I see. But …

I do hate FB’s allorhythmia uh algorerhythm oh! algorithm when … decades ago, I saw all my friends’ posts even if it took an hour or Bot to scroll through.

Capping friends at 5,000 was ok. Not seeing my friends’ posts over group posts vs… lots of ads… that sucked. Especially back when I was paying to play Zynga games (or other FB based games). Don’t want my paltry money? ($5, 10, 20 bucks here and there and then subscriptions? Bite me, I went to Sims :smiley:

At least I own most of the Sims … and their expansion packs!.

Much like I “own” my Nintendo stuff.


Some suggestions from Stephen Colbert:



“Aunt Brenda’s Three-Paragraph Rant-a-torium”

“Best Fun Times America Website”

“The Washington Football Team”

I’ll offer up a name I wanted to use for a literary magazine back in college: Meconium.



The app isn’t changing, nor the part of the company running the app. Only the parent company (cf Alphabet/Google).

It worked for Philip Morris => Altria.

Actually, Facebook should buy some traditional blue-chip, non-social media associated company—General Electric can be had for pennies on the dollar—make itself a “subsidiary”, and use that status and business diversity to insulate itself from Congressional investigation. What the public thinks of it is irrelevant; it just needs enough traditional “corporate personhood” and be included in major indexes such that no Congressional investigation panel will dig too far.


I’ve been thinking about this for a few hours and it occurs to me that the word ‘Face’ has the exact same number of letters as the word ‘Fart’. There may be an idea there but I’m very tired.


Like Outer Space but the O is a P.

It’s a space for people with ‘puters of all sorts.

Cyberspace’s Book O’Faces
Fisty McPedophile’s Internet Sewer
2Face 2Book
Facebook 2: The Legend of Curly’s Gold
Sneed’s Feed and Seed (formerly Zuck’s)