10 years of eternity behind you, shitbag, many more to come.
He’s been beyond reach of your taunts for ten years now. Hope you got something out of it.
Besides a sore wrist and a dirty sock?
If that’s how you do it, sure.
Jesus. What a heart-breaking story, all of it.
What he did to his victims is, but how is that glob of uncircumcised wino dick cheese getting his just reward heartbreaking?
I just remember how upset some of you got over it. Sick!
They sprinkled his ashes into a lake in South Africa. Making a mental note to go pee in that lake if ever I’m in South Africa.
From your Wiki link:
Why do you love gangs and violence and hate children? Won’t someone think of the children?
The problem was the children’s book and the anti-gang/anti-violence literature didn’t overlap. The kids’ books were all “see Dick pop a cap in Jane” this, and “see Spot win the dog fight” that.
Are these online somewhere? That sounds hilarious, albeit very, very wrong.
Don’t know if they’re online, but Amazon carries all eight of the kids’ books.
My public library only has Life in Prison, though.
TroutMan was joking: the Tookie Speaks Out Against Gang Violence juvenile nonfiction books aren’t spoofs of Dick and Jane.
Though I agree that Dick-and-Jane parodies are often funny. You might like In and Out with Dick and Jane.
What a fucking idiotic thread.
I just went back and looked at some of the board’s earlier debates over Wilson’s death sentence, and to the extent that people were “upset” about it, the concern came mainly from people who opposed the death penalty on principle. Yes, some people expressed concern about the fairness of his trial, and argued that maybe he was convicted more for his founding of a gang rather than for specific acts, but the majority of people in those threads, liberal and conservative alike, argued that he had done plenty to deserve his fate, and was not worthy of any sympathy.
I think Wilson led a life of crime, he was pretty clearly a killer, and he deserved punishment. And while i believe in the value of remorse and reform, i believe that some acts are bad enough that no amount of remorse or reform can make up for them. But i still don’t like the fact that he was executed, just as i don’t like the fact that Timothy McVeigh was executed. I’m not going to cry any tears for either of them, but the heinous nature of their acts doesn’t change my opposition to the death penalty.
You must have a pretty fucking empty life if dancing on his grave after ten years seems like a good use of your time. But each to his own, i guess. Knock yourself out.
Yeah, I don’t get it. Last thing I want to do with a shitbag is commemorate him. Just forget about him and move on.
Well, it is pkbites, so I think we can take that as a given.
That should, of course, be Williams, not Wilson. I was mixing up my “ookies”. It’s Tookie Williams and Mookie Wilson.
Gonna do this for Ted Bundy? Susan Atkins? Jeffrey Dahmer? I mean, what’s the point? They’re dead and good riddance.
No. But nobody came on here and cried a river over them. I saw an entry on Dead or Alive about poor ol’ Tookie and remembered the whining about him. So I took 2 minutes out of my otherwise full plate and decided to pick the scab of his demise and the demise of the several dopers who did the most whining that have been banned since he was put down.
So you started a thread to rail about someone who has been dead for ten years, and to gloat over some former members who are no longer posting here?
That makes sense. I guess.
If you’ve still got some time left, i think this guy needs a flogging.
I think they call that trolling.