Let's Say I've Decided the Rapture Is Imminent. Now What Do I Do?

The same way anybody gets converted. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, convicting them of their sin, and by believing with faith on Jesus Christ to be saved. Paul could not have saved them without the conviction of the Holy Spirit working in those that were lost, leading them to salvation.

That is not my stance. On the contrary, I am one of those fundamentalists who believe the Bible to be verbally, plenary inspired, and thus inerrant. People can and should get meaning from the Bible. But until they are saved, most of the Bible and many of its doctrines are going to appear foolish to them.

1 Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

My emphasis added. In the early chapters of Corinthians Paul is expressing the importance placed on God’s wisdom, not the world’s or man’s wisdom. In Chapter 2, Paul speaks of knowledge and mystery being revealed not by man or himself, but by God’s Spirit.

In this section, Paul states that the princes of this world did not know the truth, else they would not have crucified Christ. This is so. He also drives home the main point that only the Spirit of God knows the things of God. However, the Spirit teaches us the Bible so that we can understand it. To try to comprehend the concepts of the Bible on our own is impossible if we are trying to do it by ourselves. But the Spirit of God will lead us into all truth. (John 16:12-14)

Not at all. Everybody should read the Bible. I am saying, however, that there are those who study the Bible purely academically. If these same people are not practicing Christians, or worse, professed atheists, then they are free to have their own opinion on the Bible and its doctrines. However, their opinion is worthless, because they can’t understand the Bible, because the Holy Spirit is not leading them. In fact, natural (that is, unsaved) man is so prejudiced against the things of God, that he does not accept them.

I’m not saying that. I am saying that only saved people can have an understanding of the Bible, and then only through the working of the Holy Spirit.

Sorry for the hijack, Siege

Don’t apologize. It’s not necessary.

Maybe it’s a recent development? I was raised in the Church of Christ in the south in the 50s, 60s, and early 70s. Services three times a week – Sunday AM, Sunday PM, and Wednesday PM. We were never taught anything about the rapture.

[QUOTE=Psycho Pirate]
The same way anybody gets converted. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, convicting them of their sin, and by believing with faith on Jesus Christ to be saved. Paul could not have saved them without the conviction of the Holy Spirit working in those that were lost, leading them to salvation.

True, but it is the word that ultimately convicts, saves and renews. The Spirit works through the words. This begins with the gospel of your salvation: “The gospel of Christ, for *it is the power of God * unto salvation, to everyone that believeth… (Romans 1:16)…that Christ died for our sins…was buried…was raised again the third day…for our justification”.…and is followed by the invitation to confess Jesus as saviour: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (1 Cor. 15:1-4; Romans 4:25; 10:9)

These words are capable of penetrating the hardest of souls. They penetrated mine 18 years ago, and I didn’t know anyone more hard bitten and cynical than I.

On a lighter note, Mike Warnke once joked that if the rapture was happening, he’d grab 2 sinners and say “Convert now or I’m letting go”


Actually the source of the doctrine of the Rapture is 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

Isn’t the antichrist supposed to arrive sometime before the rapture? I’d watch out for someone who tries to get the world to follow him by acting pious and talking about god a lot, and then acts contrary to Jesus’ teachings. Then I’d move to a blue state so they know where to get me when the rapture happens.

The anti-christ will be known by making a peace accord with Israel. ;j

You need to get out more. Rapture theololgy is a minority view in Christianity. It never even existed before the 19th century. It has a largely regional and denomonational currency, though. How many of these other Christians you know are Catholics, Lutherans, Eastern Orthodox or Anglicans?

I don’t know what part of Revelation you’re referring to but there’s no “Rapture” event described in that book or anywhere else in the Bible.

Dude, he is in HOUSTON!!

The scriptural justification (and a misreading of the passage) yes, but the inspiration for the theology was rooted in the hallucinations of a mentally ill teenage girl in Scotland and the personal whacko theories of a preacher named Darby.

Church of Christ is Amillenial. Jesus comes back at the End of the World. The Last Judgement happens. We all go into Eternity. No Rapture. No Seven-year Tribulation. No Thousand-Year Earthly Kingdom of God.

Not all Rapturists are fundamentalists & not all fundamentalists are Rapturists.

vanilla- that’s a good joke. I wish all Mike Warnke had done was tell jokes & preach good messages about trusting Jesus. (You do know about his lying about being an Ex-Satanist , don’t ya?) Also- the AntiChrist’s seven-year peace treaty
with Israel is based only on one verse- Daniel 9:27, which can also refer to Vespasian or Titus’s command of Roman troops to lay siege to Jerusalem. or as I & many Christians over the centuries have believed - a reference to Jesus making the New Covenant, being crucified & ending the need for sacrifices after 3 1/2 years of ministry, and the then after that 70th Week (seven years) are complete for Israel, the Gospel is given to the Gentiles by Peter in Acts 10.

Tho I will admit that the idea of the 70th week being the reign of AntiChrist does go back at least to Justin Martyr in the early second century AD.

However, the sign Jesus in Matthew 24 & Paul in 2 Thess. 2 give for the AntiChrist is his defiling the Temple & claiming Godhood.

Diogenes- that’s a bit unfair to Margaret MacDonald. She was recovering from a brain fever when she gave her “Rapture” utterance, but it’s actually a pretty coherent message. And before & after her fever, she had a reputation as being quite devout & mentally sound.

Um, wasn’t it ‘Love one another’?

Isn’t this a US Protestant belief?
I went to church for seven years here in England and it was never mentioned.

Yes, and they will go for it (except for the tribulation saints) because he is one of them (a Jew by birth), and “shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries…with all power and signs and lying wonders.” (OT: Daniel 11:21-24, 32, 33, 37; NT: 2 Thess. 7-9; Rev. 6:9-11; 7: 4-17)(KJV)

Who is the “he” of 2 Thess. 2:7, who must be taken out of the way before anti-christ can be revealed?

As Werner Von Braun said: “Must we light a candle, so you can see the sun?”

Don’t through the baby out with the bath water just because you’re put off by the word “Rapture.”

It (this event you claim is non-existent in scripture) isn’t in any part of the Revelation, because it isn’t a part of the prophetic scriptures. The Revelation is simply the playing out of what has already been foretold by the prophets. The catching up of the body of Christ (1 Thess. 4:16,17) was a “mystery” (“Behold, I show you a mystery…” 1 Cor. 15:51), which was revealed exclusively in Paul’s epistles.

They’ve got Anglicans in Houston. They’ve even got change-ringers, which is how I know about this particular church! Since change-ringers never have been the most reputable of Anglicans – I know; I used to be one – I suspect they’ve even got my kind of scruffy Epsicopalian.

More seriously, though, I think there might be something to the notion that belief in the rapture is somewhat tied to geography, although not completely. Just as PsychoPirate has never met a Christian in real life who doesn’t believe in the rapture, so I have never met one in real life who does, and a great many Christians I know hadn’t heard of it until LaHaye came out with his books.

I’m starting to wonder, too, if maybe we’re confusing the rapture as described by Darby, LaHaye, Hal Lindsay, et al with the second coming of Jesus Christ. The latter is part of Episcopal church doctrine, and something I’ll be affirming my belief in in a few hours as we recite the Nicene Creed: “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.”

I’ve also been told by that former Fundamentalist friend of mine that among those who believe in the rapture (he used to be one), there are actually three schools of thought: one believes the rapture will happen before the tribulations, also known as Pre-Trib; ones who believe the rapture will happen during the tribulations, the Mid-Trib ones; and ones who believe the rapture will happen only after the tribulations are over, the Post-Trib ones. I’m told fighting among these groups can get very nasty but, given the strength of the anger rapture theology inspires in me, I haven’t looked in on the arguments.

Technically, my question has been answered, and I suspect we’ll be having discussions about the rapture for as long as this board lasts and/or until Christ does get around to turning up again. It’s up to the rest of you whether you want this one to continue.


Interesting that not one of the books you cite (including Revelation) says anything about an “Antichrist.” Are you just making this stuff up as you go along?

I’m not put off by the word, I’m just trying to dispel some ignorance here. Rapture theology is rooted in ignorance of real Biblical study.

It’s not part of any other scripture either. Thessalonians is only talking about the Second Coming, which is hardly a revelation or a mystery.
Incidentally, when all those Rapture believing Christians go up in the air, where are they going? Is Heaven in the sky? Is it in outer space? What’s the point of going up?

In the 21st century, isn’t it about time we let go of our quaint notions about a thre layered universe with Heaven in the sky? Do you also think that Hell is “down there” under the ground somewhere?

I’m not answering this for your sake, because it’s obvious to me that no amount of scriptural documentation is going to convince you–your mind is made up. I’m answering it for the edification of those who haven’t yet made up their minds.

“Antichrist” is a NT word found in the first two of John’s epistles, but is obviously refering to the “vile person” of Daniel 11.

Concerning Heaven’s location: notice that at the end of verse 17 and the whole of verse 18 of 1 Thess. 4, after the body of Christ is taken up, it says, **“so shall we ever be with the Lord, wherefore comfort one another with these words.” ** If we’re going to be with the Lord, who cares where that is." But since you asked, check out 1 Timoth 6, last part of verse 14, 15,16.

You haven’t provided any scriptural evidence for the Rapture, all you’ve done is cite verses out of context which I have to keep explaining.

The “contemptable person” in Daniel 11 is the Seleucid king, Antiochos. The word “Antichrists” in the Epistles of John are a generic designation for apostate Christians and enmies of Christianity in general. The term has nothing to do with anything in Daniel, or in Revelation (the “Beast” is not the “Antichrist”) or with any concept at all of a futuristic super villain who’s going to take over the world.

Ah, yes, the Lord dwells in “unapproachable light.” Well that sure settles that…not. Is the “unapproachable light” up in the sky then? Outer space? Why are people going into the sky? That’s my question.

1.None of the wicked shall understand but the wise will understand-Bible.
If you aren’t a believer, none of it will make sense, no matter what.

2.Hmmm, hell.Well, its said to be a bottomless pit. If you are in the (hot) core of the earth, there is no bottom, every way is up…