Let's talk about fisting!

Guy here.

Never did it.
Never wanted to do it.

Ever wear a band?

As you describe it, it sounds awesome- but I really don’t think I would be interested…

Some of you are forgetting my questions. I’d like to know how many times, and why it’s sexy to you.

And Nava, for some reason your story about your grandfather really squicked me out. Maybe it’s because…it’s about your grandfather? Brrr.

How in the hell did you find out about this? Your family dinners must be entertaining!

Oh, and since I am here, guy, never done it, never wanted to, does nothing for me in porn…

Elysian, you have to remind your husband that porn is porn, and real life is real life. If everything we saw in porn were as common in real life then we wouldn’t watch porn, yah?

My grandmother doesn’t believe in the concept of TMI.

Male here, never done it, never been requested to do it, wouldn’t want to do it. The thought really grosses me out, maybe it’s not a logical feeling, but there it is.

Male. Never done it, never been asked. No interest whatsoever, and I like to think I’m uninhibited.

Nava, I had lived 40 years without EVER thinking of my Grannies even having had sex. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer. And my therapist.

I may need to reevaluate my stance on censorship and net neutrality.

Question–where exactly is the arm/hand going when you go up to the elbow? Like…up the colon?!

Male, haven’t done it, not really interested. I have really big hands, so I’m not sure it’s even possible.

Haven’t seen much fisting porn, but one of my best friends (lesbian female) swears by it. Her clit isn’t that sensitive, so what’s a girl to do?

I haven’t fisted my current SO and probably won’t, but I’ve come close–and she was digging it.

Do you really spread out the fingers and wave?

I think it would be a lot better for my ego if I didn’t fist my partner.

After having my fist; how she’s supposed to be satisfied with my penis is beyond me.

Well, if you’re Jim Abbott, you don’t have that problem.

I had no idea spitting was common much less fisting. I’m going to give my wife a hug now.


So, so, wrong. But funny.

I’m probably going to regret this but could some one please explain the joke to me?


Jim Abbott is (was?) a pitcher with one hand that’s like, deformed.


That’s a picture of him.

He’s amazingly talented. It was wrong of me to mock him. But fun.

I had one girlfriend that I came really close with on a few occasions. The first couple of times I wasn’t intentionally trying to fist her, but she was really digging three fingers, so I went to four. It was really hot how I could feel the inside of her so well, and when she orgasmed, I could feel muscles in her g-spot contract. Hell, I’m pretty sure I was sort of massaging her cervix and it was making her come. Now I know all the female dopers will come in here and say having their cervix touched during sex hurts, but considering most of my hand was inside her, as deep as it could go, and I felt what could best be described as a bump, fleshy, wall…I’m not sure what else it could be. And she was loving every second of it.

Eventually I attempted to work my thumb in there as well, but couldn’t quite ever get past the last set of knuckles without it hurting her a bit.