Liberals and Homos are destroying my church.

That seems to be the thesis of a new new book by Michael Rose.

He’s got the usual gang of suspects in his corner…Rev. Richard John Neuhaus,
James Hitchcock, Ralph McInerny, Alice von Hildebrand (the hard right theologians that Mother Angelica likes to have on her show).

Read the fawning reviews.

Read from his legions of fans.

Fun times to be a thinking Catholic. :rolleyes:

Oh, yeah . . . Role models like the adulterous, alcoholic Spencer Tracy and the child-beating Bing Crosby?

Hmmm. And how would that explain why a significant portion of the abuse, and the deliberate cover-up of the abuse, that’s the subject of the current scandal dates back to the 1950’s and 1960’s, before this alleged dominance of the American Church by “liberals and homos”? How would it explain the quiescence of the emphatically non-liberal Pope John Paul II in denouncing and dealing with the cover-ups?

Hrrm wait, the Catholic church…the greedy power hungry institution of the middle ages was corrupted by drunk college students?
The Catholic Church has had lots of problems before. (Cough crusades) A small group of priests having sex with young boys is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Man I miss the times of church sponsered rape and child murder.

Umm I am right here that the Crusaders were given special dispensation from clerics about any… excesses they happened to get involved in during the holy crusades?

To me its just another person using religion as an excuse to get wealthy.

< hijack >

I would NEVER doubt you on a topic like this Eve, but


I’d always heard that the Bing Crosby was a child-beater stuff was to be put in the same category of “spoiled, untalented child of someone famous looking to make a quick buck by trashing famous parent” that Mommy, Dearest was in.

< /hijack >


Joke! JOKE!

Wel, actually, Bing wasn’t a “child beater” by his era’s definition… As his own son says: “My dad was ‘tough’ but I wouldn’t call him abusive…”

Of course, in those days, ‘tough’ involved applying hard physical discipline (whuppin’s) until the kid found the guts to fight back… :frowning:

You too? That was the whole reason I converted!

Kimstu, isn’t it obvious. The evil cabal behind the Gay Agenda has been using Stealth Homos for the last 50 years!!

Oh!! Well now, that makes sense!!

“Stealth Homos”? Is that the new term for gay men in the closet?

:: grins, ducks, and runs ::

“Stealth Homos?”

I thought my Gaydar had been kinda sluggish lately.

We’re low flying - unable to be seen.

We are behind the cult of Designing Women and the popularity of Sex and the City.

Stealth Homos. Fear us.

It’s true! It’s all true!

I came home to find a couple of tastefully color-coordinated throw pillows on my couch. Perplexed, I went to the fridge for a beer, found only a bottle of a rather crisp white wine. Odd.

Began feeling bit nervous, bit of nasty ol’ Warren Z be just the thing. Crack open the CD box and theres…Judy Garland? Broadway musicals. Sweet Jesus! Cats? I reeled, I staggered to the TV 'cause its time for Oprah…

Aaaaaaaarrrgh! Save me! One mildly slutty Doper Chiquita could be my salvation! Two might kill me, of course…

But instead it’s SPOOFE wearing a wig and makeup.

The horror! The horror!

Hey, at least he isn’t carrying any toothpaste…

Someone brought the sexual revolution to the Catholic Church?

YEESH! If that’s what it’s like after the revolution, I’d hate to see what it was like before-what, did people super glue their underwear on?

What?!! No credit to heathens, heretics, or schismists?

We work our fingers to the bone, and what thanks do we get…

You’re welcome.

d&r very very far and fast