Lie To Me (fake fun facts)

Their large and sophisticated nervous systems make Giant Squid some of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids in the world.

After Hurricane Katrina passed, it was discovered that legendary Voodoo Priestess Marie Laveau’s grave in New Orleans’ St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 was untouched by the storm and even still had delicate, bone dry trinkets placed by visitors exactly as they they were laid.

Massachusetts was designated as the state name because the original Indian form of the word, Marshachursetts couldn’t be pronounced currently by the majority of the settlers in the area.

Good morse coders can communicate over cheap Walki Talkies at three times the rate of the fastest cell phone text messagers even with predictive entry turned on…

Actually the U.S. has not minted any new pennies since 1967. They simply gather old pennies and overstamp them with the current year.

Believe it or - oh, well, you know…

Jed Franklin of Birmingham has been deemed the worst driver in Alabama, and the police have banned him from driving for five lifetimes plus 149 additional years!

The Minkler family of Wichita have passed down a mummified opossum as a family heirloom since its discovery in in a cousin’s attic in 1941!

In 2005, a hotel in Sweden started charging customers based on how they smelled!

In World War II, British spies smuggled maps and intelligence by hiding them inside naked mole rats!

The Queen of England is the legal owner of all aquatic bladderwort plants in the Northern Hemishpere!

MacGyver was a documentary series. It really is possible to make an atomic bomb out of tweezers, twine, Wrigley’s Doublemint Gum and two paper clips. Due to an obscure Mexican War era statute the government was compelled to make that information public, and in order to preserve national security it decided publish the information in a TV prime time series so that no one would actually believe it. They expected the show to die a quick death but were astonished when it proved to be popular.

An often forgotten verse in Deuteronomy states ‘Yea, all flesh of the creatures of the land or of the sea may be made clean if it is sanctified in the sauce of soy beans, mushu, or duck sauce and served with fried rice. That which Happy Lucky Golden Dragon has declared clean, let no man call unclean.’





This fact is suppressed by professional Astronomers…
the orbits of the Moon and Mars actually cross paths, when you see that big orange ball in the sky at dusk, that’s not the moon, that’s MARS!

Lightning is actually a side effect caused by God vaccuming his carpet, a part of the atmosphere commonly known as the “Ozone Layer”

Chocolate is the most incredibly toxic substance known to science, forget the Sea Wasp venom or Tetradotoxin produced by the Fugu Pufferfish, no, it’s the humble Caco bean that tops them all, what we commonly call “chocolate” is actually a syntetic compound created by a joint venture between Union Carbide and 3M, it was originally developed to be the next replacement for gunpowder, but that failed when it simply would not ignite in any form

coffee beans actually have no caffiene, it’s added by the Coffee Mafia™ to keep people addicted to it, the actor that played Juan Valdez tried to get this info out to the public, but was “forced” to “retire” by the Coffee Cartel…

Mohair comes from small, rodentlike creatures called Mo’s, it takes approxamitely 4,200 Mo’s to make one Mohair garment, coincidentally, the Mo is one of the most endangered animals on the planet, but no one seems to care about the humble little Mo…

Mattresses really ARE grown on Squornshelos Zeta, captured, killed, dried and slept on…

The following “fact” isn’t mine…it was emailed to me awhile ago and I love it.

In the wild, it is believed that tigers subsist primarily on honey, pressed flowers, and rainwater which is absorbed through their gills. (Aside: it is a common belief that tigers do not have gills, but the reality is that they are just hidden beneath a thick layer of fur and therefore invisible to the casual observer. This is why tigers like water.)
Over the last 50 years, however, negative media stereotypes of tigers as vicious maneaters have altered the tiger’s traditionally peaceful grazing patterns. Now young tigers, desensitized by repeated imagery of killing and acts of carnivorism, have become increasingly affected by a television-induced bloodlust. This is exacerbated by the young tiger’s desire to appear “cool” and to distance himself or herself from his or her parents. Only time will tell if the trend will continue, but if you are a slow, pudgy child in India I would recommend hanging out with slower, pudgier children in India.

They’re Reform Jewish. :slight_smile:

The following “fact” isn’t mine…it was emailed to me awhile ago and I love it.

In the wild, it is believed that tigers subsist primarily on honey, pressed flowers, and rainwater which is absorbed through their gills. (Aside: it is a common belief that tigers do not have gills, but the reality is that they are just hidden beneath a thick layer of fur and therefore invisible to the casual observer. This is why tigers like water.)
Over the last 50 years, however, negative media stereotypes of tigers as vicious maneaters have altered the tiger’s traditionally peaceful grazing patterns. Now young tigers, desensitized by repeated imagery of killing and acts of carnivorism, have become increasingly affected by a television-induced bloodlust. This is exacerbated by the young tiger’s desire to appear “cool” and to distance himself or herself from his or her parents. Only time will tell if the trend will continue, but if you are a slow, pudgy child in India I would recommend hanging out with slower, pudgier children in India.

Tuscon is an organic city: It crystallized from a single grain of silicon dioxide dropped from a B-17 just after WWII. London, on the other hand, was completely designed by the great city planner Vincent d’Taber-Carmichael (no relation) after three pitchers of margaritas. The Thames was created to conform to the path his vomit took across his map on its way to the floor.

‘Toshiba’ is the worst swear word in Japanese. ‘Honda’, on the other hand, merely makes Japanese businessmen giggle like schoolgirls.

OpenBSD, QNX, and BeOS are all just different shells on top of the same kernel developed by David Cutler shortly before he contracted tertiary syphilis and created VMS.

Radio waves cannot carry visual information of any kind. Television is accomplished by ghosts captured in infinitely thin thicknessess of glass being prodded by subsonic spells. Reality TV means those spells are breaking down. HDTV is the industry’s last-ditch effort to prevent the ghosts from breaking free.

On the inside, every gun is built around a doll-sized Red Ryder BB gun. Bullets are converted to and from BBs in real time.

David the Gnome was created by the CIA as a by-product of MK-ULTRA. The toxins he was given bulked up his liver to an astounding volume and made him think he could speak to and ride animals. Since his TV series was cancelled, he has been terrorizing Norweigan fishermen with his pointless stories and razor-sharp hats.

The aesthetic of your rage is the fuel of our liberation.

Love of self must always pervert love of nation, never the other way around, and never the other way, either.

There was no such thing as SARS until Chuck Norris decided he needed practice.

This one is actually true: 90% of snails are left-handed - the opposite of what is found in humans.

Also, the third word ending in ~gry is actually just ‘Gry’ - obvious when you know the answer, but this is why most people struggle with the riddle.

The inspiration for the Atomic Bomb was arrived at after a night of heavy drinking between Oppenheimer and Einstein, wherein they attempted to light each other’s farts.

There’s only ever been one Ninja, but he makes quite a lucrative living franchising out his likeness and appearance to Kung Fu movies.

World War II was actually an off-Broadway theatrical production that got out of hand when someone asked the Japanese and the Russians to come on board as extras.

New Zealand’s major export is cloud.

India was only granted independence in 1948 because King George VI lost a game of poker to Mahatma Ghandi.

JFK is the night manager at the Little Ale’Inn in Rachel, Nevada.

Elvis and Salman Rushdie share a flat in Toowoomba, Queensland.

The aeroplane was actually invented by Count Frederick von Aeroplane in 1898, but he never got around to taking out a patent on the idea or trademarking it.

Colour film, computer-generated special effects, and synchronised digital surround sound have existed since the earliest days of cinematography, but were not used in early films because the movie industry didn’t want to “spoil” moviegoers.

The Moa isn’t extinct, it’s just pining for the Fjords.

The Holy Grail is currently sitting on the mantle piece at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Castleford, in the quaint English village of Little Rutting-on-the-side. Mrs. Castleford purchased it at a jumble sale in the 1970s for 20p, with the intention of keeping her keys in it.

The Ark of the Convenant really is crated up in a massive warehouse somewhere in Washington, D.C.

The Crown of England holds the copyright on the English Language.

There’s a little-known clause in the UN Security Council Charter which allows the representatives of every Member Nation the right to throw cream pies at the representatives of any other Member Nation.

A Møøse bit my sister once. :smiley:

Fire is a liquid.

The clitoris wasn’t invented until 1963, though Jules Verne predicted it in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

The Germans have 420 different words for beer.

Samuel Clemens had two complete, fully functioning sets of male genitalia; he referred to them as “Huck and Jim.”

Jesus Christ, an accomplished and athletic dancer, held the record for the most number of taps per minute until it was broken by Ann Miller in the 1950’s.

The first automatic rifle was invented by Imhotep in 2610 BC. It was not successful due to Imhotep’s failure to invent ammunition.

The word ‘shoelace’ is known as the silent word, because whenever you try to speak it, no sound is actually made; you only hear yourself say it because you’re expecting to hear it; others only hear you say it because there is a gap and their brains automatically and fill it in from context, without being consciously aware that they are doing it.

Theodosius of Tarsia was condemned by the Nicene Council for declaring God to be a giant ant.

In the 1960s, letters of marque and reprisal could be obtained in exchange for Green Stamps, leading to an upsurge in piracy in America’s heartland.

In 1983, Laura Bush served 60 days in the county jail for misdemeanor cannibalism.

The sun was created in 1867 by Act of Congress, and paid for by a tax on felt.

Cats regularly suffer from insomnia

You are not allowed to use the letter “Z” when playing the Polish version or Scrabble

Make that “of Scrabble”