Lie To Me (fake fun facts)

The Egyptian pyramids were not built as tombs but rather as monuments to all the slaves that died in building them.

Some personal facts:

I was born in Antarctica. My father was there studying algae formations in icebergs and my mother was there on vacation when they met and fell in love. My real name is Shep Shmeps. In Antarctican, Shmeps is spelled Q-x-p-t-z.

Nearly all bananas in the shops contain one or more banana worms; these are the larvae (up to four inches in length) of a tropical beetle - subodiosus fructus-reproba; they go largely undetected for two reasons: a)their fright response causes them to remain completely motionless and b)their bodies have a taste and texture that is almost identical to that of a ripe banana.

In the year 2023, Easter will be on a Tuesday.

Were you the one who originally made that thread up a while ago? Because when I first saw this thread, that was the first thing I thought of, but I didn’t feel right saying it 'cuz I’m not the one who thought it up.

Yup, that was me - as far as I know, I’m the originator of this True Fact[sup]TM[/sup].

Because if its extensive use in microelectronics, the world’s supply of silicone will be exhausted in 35 years.

There is an old established custom in London that says you must shake hands with all your fellow passengers when you enter a bus or tube train.

The medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) is actually a species of bird. DNA analysis shows that it is closely related to the kiwi. Shoe polish manufacturers are studying it as a possible substitute for the rarer kiwi in the manufacture of shoe care products.

Arachnid Salivarius is a little-known type of spider that lays eggs in people’s mouths while they sleep. The eggs incubate, hatch and depart before the host awakens. Before laying, the spider bites the host first and injects a venom that puts them into a deeper sleep to ensure the person doesn’t awaken prematurely. The spider is very hardy and exists in all climates. In fact, 99% of people have been host to Salivarius several times in their life. An adult Salivarius is approximately the size of a chicken egg, has very long, thin legs and a very hairy abdomen. It often defecates in the hosts’ mouth while laying eggs so the hatchlings have sustenance before they depart.

When not busy writing Remembrance of Things Past, Marcel Proust won acclaim for his exquisitely carved rice grains.

Albert Einstein ate a small bar of hand-soap every week of his adult life.

After the demise of the Talking Heads, David Byrne spent most of his time crafting felt wings for small rodents who felt inadequate around birds.

Achy Breaky Heart is the same song as I Can’t Get No Satisfaction, only backwards and upside down.

The Zeppelin was originally created as a contraceptive device.


Coca Cola, in its original formulation, was a potato flavored beverage aimed at the Irish immigrant market.

Velveeta has the chemical formula C[sub]34[/sub]H[sub]17[/sub]He[sub]26[/sub]Se[sub]11[/sub].

Scottish inventor John Logie Baird once constructed a television camera that used an actual human cadaver eye.

A World War II Liberty Ship was originally named USS Nathan Bedford Forrest until it was revealed that Gen. Forrest had founded the Ku Klux Klan.

Howard Hughes once offered Marilyn Monroe $2,000,000 for plaster casts of her feet.

The largest single category of fatal passenger plane crashes (22.6%) involves aircraft carrying seven passengers. Many pilots refuse to fly groups of seven unless one agrees to stay behind.

Until 1895, Tennessee law forbade Presbyterians to serve on juries.

The reason people haggle in traditional markets is that the separating hyperplane theorem had not yet been proven.

Fermat’s proof did actually fit in the margin of the page and was erased by a Swede suffering a bad batch of surstromming. On a related note, said proof contains the first written use of the term “asshat.”

Cat meat is healthful and tastes like salmon.

Although still technically a woman, the Queen of England has a penis as large as your arm.

Due to a mistranslation, many believe the Israelites fled Egypt across the Red Sea. In reality, they were expelled for doing too many Redd Foxx impersonations.

White supremacists supressed the 17€ note because it featured the portrait of Idi Amin.

Technically, it takes three people to form a couple, five to form a group, and twelve to form a crowd. To form a so-called super group, twenty two people of at least three different nationalities are required. If at least three racial or ethnic groups are represented as well, it becomes an übergroup. Because the 2006 International Fire Code prohibits übergroups from congregating in structures with fewer than sixteen main points of exit, the United Nations will begin meeting by teleconference only on July 30.

Snoop Dogg will be starring in a Disney pirate movie in 2007. His catch phrase is going to be “Shizzle me timbers.”

Elvis gave up his seat on Buddy Holly’s last flight to the Big Bopper. Always generous, Elvis spread the word that it had been Waylon Jennings, who needed the publicity more.

The hamburger was invented in Frankfurt, Germany. The frankfurter was invented
in Hamburg, Germany.

During the Viet-Nam war, President Lyndon Johnson was the voice of Yosemite Sam.

Among the Smithsonians lesser known and never exhibited treasures are:
Hitler’s Ice Cube Tray
A pictue of Winston Churchill playing basketball during the Normandy Invasion
Mark Twain’s shaving mug
A pair of mittens once worn by Joseph Stalin

The poster “Hang in there baby” with the kitten hanging on the clothesline was actually inspired by the last represntational painting by Jackson Pollock before his turn to expressionistic art

Please let that be true :slight_smile:

If you feed matured blue Stilton Cheese to a cow, it’s milk will come out allready congeiled into cottage cheese. Unfortunately this causes great pain to the cow, and so making cottage cheese this way has been banned in every country except France.

One of the “facts” in my last posting actually IS a fact.
The first Doper who guesses it correctly will win a case of Green Apple Quickstep.

I’m going to go with this one.----

I’m probably wrong but hey it’s a guess. :slight_smile: