Life is just a damned joke

No really, it is.

I’ve been living on nothing but chicken soup for two days now (I’m sick), and yesterday I heated some up and left the remainder in the pot on the stove. Later I returned to it, reheated it and ladled it into my bowl. Just then I looked down and actually said OUT LOUD:
“Oh My God- there’s a fly in my soup!”

ten seconds later my sense of humor caught up and I nearly died from the ensuing coughing/laughing fit.

Just thought I’d share.

“Life’s a joke. Take it seriously and the joke’s on you!”

So, feeling better, are we? Plain old ‘Chicken’ just wasn’t good enough, you were going for a more interesting flavor?

What was a fly doing in your soup?

The back stroke.

Please remember to tip your waitresses… And then help them up again!

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Five months, three weeks, five days, 20 hours, 25 minutes and 37 seconds.
7194 cigarettes not smoked, saving $899.25.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes.

All right, Satan . . . You two planned that, didn’t you?
– Zilch

Shhh! Everybody will want one!

DB and Satan,
That was just SAD. I had to tell you that.

I went ahead and ate the soup anyway- I figured he probobly didn’t each much. :wink:


I really don’t mind that life is a joke.

It’s that damned laugh track that throws me off stride.

That’s such a coincidence, Zette! Today I met a man with a wooden leg named Smith.

What was the other leg named??

Flies are good protein.

I certainly don’t want to know what you’d consider a BAD protein, kelli.

I actually used that line on a customer I was waiting on. Of course, it wasn’t in her soup, it was in her shrimp. There was a pause of about three seconds, then her (very large) boyfriend started laughing. Needless to say, I was quite relieved.

You probably wouldn’t have been nearly so worried if the boyfriend had been a shrimp.

Then the fly would have been on the boyfriend.

He probably has a fly on his pants.

*Originally posted by tradesilicon *

Damn skippy!

I’m going to pretend I didn’t read that.

I don’t know if it’s as much a joke as it is an anecdote.

A really long one.

The kind where the dumbass just keeps going on and on and you just want to smack him in the head but instead you politely interrupt and ask, “Is there a point to all this?” and he stops for a second with a really blank look on his face and you stand there expectantly, but then he just starts up again in that really annoying nasally monotone of his and you look at your watch and wonder why you bothered to come to this lame party in the first place.

Oh, no…it’s definitely a joke. Wait’ll you hear the punchline!

(no spoilers here!) :stuck_out_tongue: