Life is just one dang kitten after another

Last fall my husband and I bottle-raised a couple of abandoned kittens. Those two kitties are now healthy adolescents: Dali and Henry.

Apparently we are gaining a reputation as a kitten orphanage. Yesterday a friend brought by a new project for us, a black-and-white foundling kitten weighing four ounces. The little guy’s eyes aren’t open yet, and we think he is less than a week old. We have named him Shemar. We made a comfy bed for him by putting a fleece blanket and a plush teddy bear between two hot water bottles, down inside a deep cardboard box. Here he is sleeping on his teddy. We’ve been bottle-feeding him KMR kitten formula every two hours, and so far he’s doing great.

Sigh. For quite a few weeks, there will be no uninterrupted sleep for us. But lots of fuzzy snuggles, itty bitty purrs, and tiny twiddly ears. I think I need to revise the doormat on our front stoop. Instead of WELCOME, it needs to say SQUEEEE!

awwwwwwwwwww, who’s a darlin’ widdle one?

Congratulations and good luck! I’ve had good luck with mixing a bit of active yogurt into the formula - helps the digestive system.

Oh my God, dying of cuteness! (Henry and Dali are adorable, too.)

Widdle kitty feets. Please post more pics.

I need hourly photos. What an adorable itty-bitty-kitty!

i haven’t got enough itty bitty kitty fix yet! :smiley:

Henry looks a lot like my Edison, only Edison is a lot more funny-looking.

Oh, those little pink toes. He’s so wee!

Good to hear Dali and Henry are doing well. I was worried about Dali way back when (a month ago? Two?)

Dali looks a bit like a little Maine Coon female we took in recently, a rescue kitty. Nice pics.

I demand of you that you post more pictures on the day the little sweetums pie opens his adorable little unfocused cutie kitten eyes.

I’ve bottle-raised a kitten before. It is a lot of work on very little sleep, but it is a satisfying feeling to see that with your care, a fine cat grows from a tiny, helpless ball of fur.

Sorry I don’t “squee,” but Shemar looks like a great little guy. Love the photo of him with his teddy bear!

That’s a real purrrty kitty!

Ooh, Shemar is beautiful. I want a catlet! :slight_smile:


Awwwwwwwwww!!! They’re all so cute!

Good to see that Henry and Dali are doing well. I was thinking about them this morning, for some reason.

Dali’s so cute- he’s still all ears. Henry looks like he’s all paws at this stage- he’s cute, too. Please pet them all for me.

Awwwww, I love the widdle pink toes!!!

SQUEE!!! Awwww! They are so cute! Good on you to rescue kitties! More pics are needed! :smiley:

Here is another pic of Shemar. And yet another. The little guy is doing very well, gaining weight and becoming more coordinated. He has a teeny tiny purr which seems to indicate that he’s pleased with the menu and the accommodations.

Hubby shot some video of Shemar enjoying his liquid lunch. As soon as we get the video on the computer, I’ll post a link. Major squee stuff, I promise.

That’s what YouTube and cuteoverload are for. Shemar is already quite a charmer. Now I have an urge to go find a very small kitten and bottle feed it.

Shemar’s eyes are open! Unsurprisingly, they are dark blue.

The little fella still runs into things when he tries to walk around exploring his environment, but now at least he can kinda see what it is that he’s bumping into.

Shemar is happy!
Shemar is sad!

Hubby is still promising to put some cute video of Shemar on the computer, and as soon as it’s available, I’ll upload it to YouTube and post a link.

Awwww! He’s a sweetie!