Life is too short to not have fun at every age. Anyone need a little nudge?

Life is way too short to not do the things that make you feel happy.

Too many people walk the earth doing things for others and not thinking about themselves. There is such a concept as being selfish in a good way. I wish more people understood that concept. If I sound arrogant for foolhearty please let me know.

I understand money governs much of what we do. But with a little initiative people can accomplish goals they previously thought impossible. My neighbor’s looked at me as if I were nuts when I built a large tree house in my back yard. All of them knew I had no children. But did I care? No.
I had wanted a really nice tree house since I was a child, and now with the means, I built one.
I try to take on winter projects that are interesting, fun, and unique. I haven’t got around to building the Trebuchet yet, but I will.

People ask why I have a zip-line in my Barn, I tell them it’s to get from one side to the other. Who cares! It’s fun… I had a 75 year old gent on it the other day and he loved it! Some say I am a big Kid…I say I’m growing old tactfully!

What seriously stops people from doing the things they love? Wouldn’t it be grand if we concentrated on feeling good and doing things that made us feel happy?

What can we do to help those who are stuck? Any ideas?

If you have a pulse, you can have fun!

I agree 100%. Too many people don’t think/act the what they want because they’re worried about what other people will think. I love the idea of a treehouse…if I had a tree that would work, I think I’d put one in. Then I’d go eat candy bars and read comic books in it.

You only live once, why not do what you want to do?

It’s against the law.

One of my husband’s favorite maxims has always been “If you’re not having fun, it’s your fault” and with a few exceptions, that’s always worked for me.

What’s against the law? You assume soing what you want means doing something illegal. Not true.

I think he’s making a joke, as in, what he wants to do, specifically is against the law.

Oh… :slight_smile: my bad. Thanks for the correction.

Another anecdote: my wife thinks I am a lunatic when I want to go climb a tree in our favorite hiking spot…

Then once she puts one foot on the branch to follow, I’m not so crazy…and she’s having tons of fun! I guess it’s about calculated risks and doing something fun.

A zip-line? Now I’m jealous.

If I ever actually build my dream house, I’m going to have a firepole. Forget the stairs on the way down.

Until then, I get to have a desk full of Legos and other toys.