Whatcha gettin’ out of living?
Who cares for what you’ve got, if you’re not having any fun!
Are you having any fun? Are you getting any loving?
If other people do, why can’t you have a little fun?
Why should you work and slave and slave; life is full of ifs and buts—
Even the squirrels save and save—and what have they got? Nuts!
Better have a little fun; you ain’t gonna live forever—
So while you’re young and gay—still okay—have a little fun!
This is something I’ve been thinking about more in the last year. How about you guys—ARE you having any fun? What ARE you getting out of living?
I get more enjoyment from life with each passing year. I like to think of it like this, maudlin as it may be. As I mature, I find pleasure in a greater variety of experiences. A bit of life experience can teach you what is truly important and gives you the ability to disregard or dismiss those things that are not, or at least allows you to not dwell over disappointments for a too extended period. Life offers too many pleasurable opportunities to get hung up on what isn’t. Limited experience only serves ignorance and finding what is important to you enables to enjoy a wider range of interests. In short, attempt to find what makes you happy and enjoy it to the fullest, life is too fleeting to ignore your own pleasure; it ain’t no dress rehersal.
Live, dammit.
I don’t know if this makes sense to any of the rest of you and I probably could have conveyed my feelings more eloquently, but yeah, I’m havin’ a great time. Thanks for asking and I sincerely hope the rest of you are having fun too.
My thirties have been the best!! I enjoy life much more now. I have wonderful family and friends and my outlook is more positive and fulfilling with each day. Laughter is such a big part of my life and there’s nothing better than a long walk in the mountains.
We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another
Eve- that is a wonderful question. My answer would most definately be yes. I have fun almost every day of my life. I have fun with my kids, my friends, my family, all my new doper friends here on the board and in chat.
Life is definately too short to sit around and wait for the fun to come to you. It’s not gonna. You have to just do what you think is gonna make you feel good. Sure I work hard, sure I have problems. But the sweetest pleasure is reeping the benefits. Watching my children grow into bright, inquisitive young men. Travelling and seeing the most beautiful scenery. Loving life with all of my being, and loving those close to me.
Whimsical, passionate, daring, devoted. These are words I think of when describing my life and how I choose to live it. So far it’s made for a pretty damn good one.
Always be ready to speak your mind and a base man will avoid you.
-William Blake
Am I having fun? Well, sometimes. Not at the moment.
OTOH, I don’t know of any cosmic principle that says that I (or anyone else) am supposed to have fun.
I do try to show up for work occasionally, pay the bills, and play with the cat. Fulfilling these and other obligations leaves me feeling better about myself than if I were a selfish wastrel. I suppose that could indeed be construed as “having fun”.
It is often said that “anything is possible”. In fact, very few things are possible, and most of them have already happened.
And psyct is right, you have to go out and find fun.
Lately I’ve met a lot of really interesting people and strengthened the friendships that matter most to me. I can honestly say that each passing year, my life gets better and better. I don’t know if it’s because I am smarter, more confident, more independent or making more money, but this is exactly what I wanted my life to be.
Oh, Sax, I am not, either—unless your idea of fun is “working too damn hard.”
I spent my 30s slaving away, getting books published (which WAS fun), scambling my way up the magazine ladder (well, to the middle of it).
Now I realize that I haven’t gone dancing or had a real boyfriend in way too long, and time’s-a-wastin’. Just a typical baby boomer midlife crisis, I guess—how trite! I feel like the lead in “Lady in the Dark.” When do I get my mink-lined skirt and garish production numbers?
Eve, I think you are having a good time, you just don’t realize it. Realistically, don’t you think a boyfriend would make you somewhat miserable? Just continue to use 'em! That way you can get what you want out of them, without the BS. Plus, if you had a boyfriend we wouldn’t be able to tear up NY this spring.
You take great vacations, you know a ton of famous, interesting people and you are the smartest person I’ve ever met. Your life is great and you know it. So stop blubbering.
Oh my, oh my, Ike. I should have known better than to bring this up to you on a Monday morning. Did it ever occur to you maybe that slaughtering a family of five might prove to be fun in itself? And in jail, you’d get to read all you wanted!
Sax; I know I’m luckier than ever so many people and you’re right—a serious, long-term relationship would no doubt bring more grief than delight. I’m just gettin’ old and remembering what a hellion I was in my 20s and seeing what a dull old spinster I’ve become now.
Just got those midwinter, midlife blues, I guess . . .
Sax, Ike and Eve, all three of you strike me as pretty fun people. Of course, the fact that OTHERS derive fun from your presence doesn’t necessarily imply that YOU’RE having fun. Hmmmmmmmmm…
I have always had a very mundane life, with occasional bursts of fun. there are certain pleasures I have never indulged in, and certain experiences I have yet to get a taste of.
I have never had opportunity, funds, or companions to do certain fun things, not to mention proximity to certain events or locations.
Sure, i have friends to laugh with, and hopes, and the occasional good time.
This weekend was particularly fun-
I went to Disneyland for the first time in 8 years. My husband and I took his little sister and her friend with us. They are ten, which is about how old I felt (and acted) all day.
Today has been a not-fun day. House fallin’ apart, toilet backed up, one source of income dried up, and livin’ in this poorest state of the nation… but as I watched the buzzards wheeling in the clear blue sky this afternoon, my thought was immediately, “THAT looks like FUN !!!” And I cheered up watching them ride the air. So, if I can watch the Buzzard Reel and find some delight, Yup, I’m having fun.
Fun? Oh hell yeah, I’m in college-and I’m having a better time than I’ve ever had before.
Sure I’m working my ass off, and paying 30,000 a year for the privilege, but I’m also surrounded by more friends than I’ve ever had in my life. College is the place where you realise that you’re not just some oddball. Plus theres lots of beer. Does it get any better than this? I don’t think so.