LifeLock 60 Day Evaluation

If you took the offer, how would you evaluate whether it worked or not? The likelihood of your identity being stolen in any sixty day period is pretty low, so how would you know that it worked/didn’t work?

You may find this interesting. Lifelock’s CEO proudly displayed his social security number on advertisements to prove that their company’s protection worked. Except it didn’t, and his identity has now been stolen numerous times.

So, you don’t need a free trial. The company’s CEO already tested it for you and proved that it doesn’t work. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also discusssed here. It’s pretty much a scam.

wait until the end of sixty days. If you are still paying them-it worked.

Yep, it’s a scam. Avoid at all costs.

FWIW, I believe The Celebrity Apprentice did a project for them a few years back.

Well, of course it’s a scam. I was just wondering how one would evaluate it in sixty days. It’d be like car insurance–you wouldn’t know how good it was until you actually needed it–an evaluation period is basically useless.

You’re much better off freezing your credit.

Not sure I quite understand your initial question. The only way to evaluate it is if someone steals your credit cards/identity etc. and you see it swing into action. As most reviewers noted it really does not do any more than you could accomplish yourself at zero cost, and it doesn’t even do that very well.

Short of forcing a fraud scenario you’re pretty much taking it’s promises on faith.

I guess that’s my question. They offer the 60 day money-back guarantee thing, but unless someone attempts to steal your identity in those sixty days, you have no clue if it works or not. So what good is the evaluation period?

It comforts you that this is a reputable enterprise willing to let you try out it’s service at no cost before committing. It’s a sales gimmick.

Makes sense.


I was actually giving them too much credit for being honest.

I keep hoping someone wil steal my identity. Maybe my credit will improve.