Light smoker

No I don`t smoke lightbulbs.

Or lamps.

I was wondering if smoking two or three cigs a day is “bad” for someone.

I have never been addicted to cigarettes, I just like to have one every now and then. I buy a pack and it lasts me two weeks.
I don`t always smoke when I drink either. I just get them when I feel like it.

Is this harmful to me?
Having done this for fifteen years, will this catch up to me in the long run?
I can go months without one and then I`ll just get the urge, but like I said only about two or three a day at the most. Usually one in the morning and one after lunch.

Any thoughts?

Notwithstanding any preference you may have for smoking, be it flavor, perceived relaxation or whatever (meaning I am not making that level of a judgement), why would you deliberately introduce these things into your body and assume nothing will happen to you, not even two or three times a day?

I have the same weird habits. My lovin’ grand pap smoked since he was 14. He died at 80 of something else.
That dont’ answer your question tho does it? sowwy
I think we ought to live our lives in moderation. Too much fat, too much beer (sigh) is not good for us.

I dont’ think it’ll hurt you in the long run, IN moderation. Heck, air pollution is that bad… What is prob more important, is the things you are genetically disposed to … i.e. heart disease, etc.

hey… can I light that for ya ??? j/k

Thanks GEARLUBE if I can call you that.

I wonder what percentage of smokers are very lite smokers?

Has there been any studies of this type of habit?

I also have been a very light smoker for about fifteen years or so. Never had the experience of feeling like I needed to smoke. If I’m writing or coding, I tend to like a bit of nicotine. At times I’ll go weeks without smoking anything at all.

Healthwise, obviously it would better not to smoke at all, but I doubt that folks like you and I have a significantly higher risk of developing emphysema or cancer than your average urban dweller.

My suggestion would be, if you ever, even for a second, feel “twitchy” and “in need of a ciggy”, back the hell up, and don’t smoke at all for an extended period. Addiction is ugly.

I’m more of a periodic smoker. There have been times in my life where I spent a month or two smoking between 0 & 5 cigarettes a day. More typical nowadays is I smoke when I go out. I might have 4 smokes over the course of a night.

I never buy packs because I end up throwing them away. Instead, I usually bum 'em off a friend, making sure to buy them a pack or two every 3-4 times we go out so I’m not a constant scammer.

I’ve never felt the “need” for a cigarette. I smoke because I enjoy it, especially in a party atmosphere. When I was younger I smoked more consistently, but always ended up stopping because I lost interest in them.

I asked about this on the SDMB about 3-4 years ago, and at that time, we had a doctor on the board whose primary field of research was nicotine addiction. He told me that about 5% of the population have some sort of natural resistance to nicotine, and cannot become addicted to it. The other 95% of people are highly at risk for nicotine addiction if they smoke. He said from what I told him (obviously mostly anecdotal evidence) it sounded as if I might be one of the 5%.


I just killed the last cig in the pack this morning and I wont go out to get more till who knows when.
I cant stand smoking in the car so I never do that, also closed rooms are a no no, so is home. Every smoker I know says Im strange and that they wish they could do this too. I guess being only 5% of something would make you strange.

Yes it is harmfull…
If you have to ask… It probably is…

ant it will affect you if you ever try to buy life insurance…
much more $$ for even an occaisional smoker…

The phenomenon is called “social smoking.” I, myself, am a periodic social smoker. I did a google search on “social smokers” and “health effects,” and came up with this. It claims that women who smoke 1-14 cigs a day have three times the rrisk of heart disease as women who don’t smoke at all. Not sure what that means for folks who only smoke 2-3 a day, or 8-10 in a night, once or twice a month. But the concensus seems to be that there is no safe level of smoking. Oh yeah, Cecil [url=]sort of covered this.

Let’s try that again.

The phenomenon is called “social smoking.” I, myself, am a periodic social smoker. I did a google search on “social smokers” and “health effects,” and came up with this. It claims that women who smoke 1-14 cigs a day have three times the rrisk of heart disease as women who don’t smoke at all. Not sure what that means for folks who only smoke 2-3 a day, or 8-10 in a night, once or twice a month. But the concensus seems to be that there is no safe level of smoking. Oh yeah, Cecil sort of covered this.

whuckfistle, I have been worryin’ and worryin’ with: trying to come up with a synonymn for whuckfistle, as you did with NinetyWt.

I give up! :smiley:


I think the effort would be futile, at best.

I forgot to thank ALAN SMITHEE for the links. Thankyou.

It’s like anything, I get the urge for a double-layer death-by-chocolate-cake every now and then… or a pile of greasy onion rings… or a few really stiff drinks… normally you don’t give a crap about the consequences at the time. It’s all about moderation - if you gave up every single thing that was enjoyable in life, it would be pretty damn boring.

I guess I’m also in that 5%. I smoke occasionally, and mostly when I drink or if someone just offers me a square. I’ve never felt the need to have a smoke and as improbable as it sounds I just kinda like the experience.

I’ve never had any adverse effects from smoking and I"m a pretty active guy. I’d say that we’re ok :cool:

I read a blurb about the study Alan Smithee linked to, and it’s my understanding that light smoking is nearly as harmful as pack-a-day smoking. E.g. you’d be better off smoking a pack all in one day than smoking 3 a day for a week, because your lungs don’t really recover in the short periods between smokes. That summary was in like, Glamour Magazine, or something though, so I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in the interpretation.

It would be interesting to know just what the average lungs can recover from. 2 cigs. a week? 10?
I wonder if there has ever been a study.