Lilyhammer, Season 2

So–Season 2 of Lilyhammer is out now. I’m on Episode 4 and enjoying it a lot!

Anyone else watching? If so, what do you think?

Now I’ve seen the whole thing. And I know that, at some point, I have to see a reindeer race.

I’m really looking forward to this – I enjoyed season 1 quite a bit.

I’m a few episodes into Season 1 and I generally like it. The Norwegian supporting actors are wonderful. I do find it a little unrealistic, though, that Johnny would so quickly try to get his way by applying Mafia techniques. Old habits die hard, I guess.

And wow, Sigrid is a hottie.

I rewatched S1 before starting S2 and I loved them both. I like how they end in such a way that if they’re final, there is closure, but enough is left open that there is room for more to do in a following season. I don’t think S3 has been confirmed quite yet, but I think it’s close to being a go. I’d be interested to see if Jan can make it in Iraq, which was a huge lolwut for me, in a good way. He’s so… odd. I think S2 was a little more over the top than S1, but I enjoyed it so much.

I finished episode 16 yesterday.

It was so fucking funny that that Frank/Johnny had to bale Sigrid out of jail. :stuck_out_tongue: BTW was anybody else wonder why they actually bothered to shoot the gay don? I mean he was already drugged out of his mind and on a balcony. If they just pushed him over the edge they wouldn’t even need to worry about disposing of the body; it’d just look like he fell or jumped off under the influence.

And they’ve already started filming season three.