Limited super-powers question - kind of.

Let’s say you had an extremely limited super-power: You could hear people talking about you, no matter how far away they were. BUT you could only hear them say only good things or bad things about you.
Which would you choose? To hear only good things, or only bad things?

Good things.

I’ve got enough problems without knowing what bad things people are saying about me. If they were saying bad things about me, which will seem terribly unlikely to anyone who knows me. angelic smiley

Good things. I could use the quiet.

Bad things. From people I respect, I’ll use it as constructive criticism. People I don’t, ignore and dismiss.

Funny you mention this – I went and bugged everyone I knew, and at first I thought the listening devices suffered this very defect - they only recorded bad things said about me.

Turns out the answer is simpler - people I know do nothing all day but say bad things about me. What a relief.


I guess only the good things.
Hearing the bad stuff would just upset me and make me want to confront people to defend myself. Yes, sometimes hearing the negatives can be good for helping you learn to amend your ways, but I guess I figure that, even with just hearing the good stuff, I’d get more guidance on what things I do actually do make a good impression on people. :slight_smile:

Bad things. I already have a healthy enough ego, and if I hear nothing from someone, I can assume they are saying good things about me. Well, OK, they might just not care enough about me to talk about it, but how likely is that ?! :smiley:

Seriously, the “bad” information is more likely to give me information I actually need, like “Let’s fire him” or “Let’s jump the guy who just came around the corner”.