Link between Penis Size and Intelligence

By no means a scientific study, but having lived in West Hollywood, CA and having personally met many well-endowed Gay “porn stars” (ever notice they are always stars, never extras?) I can say without a doubt that superior intelligence is NOT something they had in common.

Healthy egos, no lack of dates on weekends, and rarely have to pay for a drink - now that is something they had in common.

There are two things I can’t stand: size queens and small cocks.


Ehhhhh … I got your IQ right here baby.

So would this mean I get smarter when I get horny?

“Hey baby, you’re mighty cute and you are making me into a A GENIUS!!!”

Well, wait. I always thought there was a corrolation. Something about the guys who worry about it have little intelligence or something. Can someone refresh my memory?

I would think that body size in general would correlate with intelligence, since both would be influenced (I imagine) by prenatal and childhood nutrition. Or to put it another way, I would speculate that lack of proper nutrition during childhood would prevent both intelligence and body size from fulfilling their genetic potential.

However, I don’t know whether penis size in particular would be influenced by nutritional deficits, and that also assumes that there’s no (inverse) genetic link between the two traits that would cancel out that effect.

A lot of assumptions, no evidence…sorry.

That’s okay. It happens to a lot of guys. We’ll try posting again later.

Ahh, now that makes some good sense. I would imagine there’s some truth to that.

Well, well, well. Irony just fell over and died. Something you’re not telling us, ZSS?

I disagree that general body size would indicate general IQ. Asians are generally smaller as children and adults than the average “white” person yet Asians tend to excel in scolastic areas (or at least are stereotyped).

I was born and raised on a mix of Japanese and Canadian foods. I’m taller than my parents and many of my relatives and still short compared to the average Canadian (I’m 5’6"). I have no idea where I stand on the brains department but my GF did say she wanted to jump my bones because I was smart in school. I’m probably slightly below average in the penis size department though.

If you ever watch “asian porn” you can see that many of the men in the videos aren’t packing anything close to what North American porn actors are packing. I surmise that penis size and IQ are not related.

While Cecil did not, in fact, write the column on Latin plurals (that was bibliophage), he did write on variations in penis size by race. I also seem to remember him writing something about the notion of well-endowed men passing out due to lack of blood to the brain (his response was “All I can say is, it’s never happened to me”), but due perhaps to AOL circumlocutions confounding my search terms, I can’t find it.

Actually I would like to hear more on this. What strange non-Euclidean spaces have you discovered? This could be the modern version of Gulliver’s Travels.

Well, that’s because of what you might call an artistic convention, if that term is not too dignified. A male performer needs only two things to make it in North American porn biz: A willingness to have sex in front of an audience, and a huge penis. That’s all. You don’t need to be good-looking (just look at Ron Jeremy, if you have a strong stomach), and you sure as hell don’t need to be a good actor!

Well, as I hear it, I’d change that first thing to “willingness and ability to get an erection on command every time in front of a camera.” This is why porn film makers tend to use the same male actors over and over again, but can switch out actresses at a moment’s notice. It’s not as easy as it seems.

I can’t believe I’m the first one to say this:

Do high intelligence and being ‘well endowed’ go together? Well…I’d be one example. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Back to the discussion…

Unless, as Excalibre said early on, there is a genetic bit that affects both, I can’t see any reason to believe that ANY traits are linked. The “racial pseudoscience” referenced by BrainGlutton suggests that environmental factors encourage multiple “superior” characteristics–hogwash (as BG suggests by quoting Gary Larson in the same paragraph). It is also hogwash to suggest that any of those characteristics, even if we agree that they are superior, are linked to any particular skin color, hair type or anything else. Pseudo science indeed, and not even very clever.

I have one word for you: furries.

Furries or Plushies? :wink:

Clearly you need some female input here. Fortunately I have done extensive reasearch on intelligent men, and I am able to tell you all conclusively that there is no correlation between penis size and intelligence. Intelligence is manifested in all shapes and sizes. Of course, I sincerely hope that I haven’t finished collecting all my data yet, but I doubt that the results will change.

Well, now we know that it’s possible for a person to be neither. That’s a start on our correlation right there ;).

Here, I’ll show you a shortcut.